Leaving a legacy for every child: The 1829 Circle

Since 1829, hundreds of thousands of children and young adults have benefited from the generosity of our donors who have included Perkins in their estate plans.

If you have already included Perkins in your estate or financial plans, whether through a bequest, beneficiary designation, or other means — thank you! By notifying us of your gift via our online form you’ll be welcomed into a special group of supporters — the 1829 Circle.

A young boy that is receiving an evaluation on an iPad with the assistance of his teacher. Overlaying the photo is a circular seal picturing a tower and text: 1829 Circle, Perkins.
A visually impaired boy with bright red hair flying a colorful kite outside.

Benefits of including Perkins in your will

  • The satisfaction of knowing you have helped the children and adults we serve become as independent as possible, for a lifetime
  • The opportunity to join fellow donors at select events
  • Recognition of your commitment in Perkins publications, if you choose, to inspire generosity in others

There are many easy giving options from which you can choose — strategies that can enhance your personal goals, as well as Perkins’. We’re always here to help. Simply contact us or call 617-972-7328 with any questions. 

Benefits of a charitable gift annuity

  • Lifetime annuity income for you and/or a loved one, at an attractive rate.
  • The option to defer your annuity payments for an even higher rate.
  • A charitable income tax deduction and potential capital gains tax savings.
  • A future gift to Perkins School for the Blind.

A Charitable Gift Annuity may be created at age 55. Annuitants must
be at least 65 years of age at the start of income payments. Perkins School for the Blind uses the rates recommended by the American Council on Gift Annuities.

Individuals over 70 1/2 may use up to $50,000 from their IRA for a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to fund a Charitable Gift Annuity tax-free.

Charitable Gift Annuities are not available in all 50 states.

1. Donor commits to gift of assets 2. A charitable gift annuity is created and allows for an income tax deduction and fixed payments for the donor 3. The remainder goes to charity
This graphic shows how a gift annuity works. Our team is happy to provide personalized gift illustrations at your request.
Single life (Age)RateTwo life (Ages)Rate
Judi Cannon Legacy donor

“I received a great education at Perkins, and the best thing they did for me was make me a braille reader.”

Bill & Liz Thorndike Legacy donors

“Perkins in our estate? That’s a no-brainer. It is a great honor for us to participate in this manner.”

Pete Woodward Legacy donor

“Perkins has a special place in my heart because of all that it did for my son, who had enormous educational needs and challenges. My heart is grateful, and my philanthropy follows my heart.”


Find out more about legacy giving.

The terms legacy or planned giving refer to charitable gifts that require more financial planning and thoughtfulness than a typical one-time contribution. This type of giving is popular because it can provide you with valuable tax benefits while giving Perkins the resources we need to improve the lives of children and young adults who are blind.

Through planned giving:

  • You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
  • You can receive larger tax savings by giving stock.
  • You can donate your house, continue to live there and receive a tax break, all at the same time.

You can build a better future for the people we serve by remembering Perkins in a will, trust, retirement plan or life insurance policy. Helping Perkins and securing your financial future or the financial security of your loved ones starts with a solid estate plan. And a solid estate plan begins with your will. 

The following language may be used for an outright gift by will:

Specific dollar amount or percentage:

“I give the (sum of dollars or percentage of estate) to the Trustees of Perkins School for the Blind, located in Watertown, Massachusetts, to be used for the school’s general purposes.”

Part or all of residue:

“I devise and bequeath to the Trustees of Perkins School for the Blind, located in Watertown, Massachusetts, (all or specify a portion) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to be used (for the school’s general purposes or insert a specific program or purpose.).”

Step 1: Get a copy of your current will.

Step 2: Mark the areas you would like to change.

Step 3: Meet with your estate planning attorney to draft and prepare your new document.

Step 4: Consider discussing changes with us if they affect your bequest to Perkins.

Just a few sentences in your will are all that is needed. You can give all of your estate, a percentage of your estate, a specific sum of dollars or the remainder of your estate (after other bequests) to Perkins. Your gift can be used for general support for Perkins or to fund specific programs or initiatives.

Any gift you make to Perkins is valued and will make a long-term difference in the lives of those we serve.

Planned giving staff is available to answer any questions attorneys or other financial advisors might have about making a gift to Perkins School for the Blind. While we can’t offer legal or financial advice, we can share giving options, draft language and provide other resources you’ll need to help your clients achieve their philanthropic, financial and estate-planning goals. Simply contact us or call 617-972-7328 with any questions.

Please note, donors are encouraged to consult an attorney, estate planner, financial advisor, accountant or other professional before making any major charitable donations. We would be happy to answer any questions that you have or prepare a no-obligation life-income gift proposal for you to share with your family and financial advisor.

Perkins School for the Blind is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is eligible to receive contributions deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.

Charitable gifts should be directed to:

Development Department
Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472

Perkins’ federal tax ID number is 04-2103616.

Perkins’ full legal name is PERKINS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND.

Planned Giving stories

A little girl that is smiling in the arms of a woman by a fountain.

Looking for more information?

If you have questions about supporting Perkins, want to get more involved or learn how you can make a difference, please click the link below.

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Your gift can help kids & adults with blindness thrive every day.