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Secondary student C-Jay decorates a pumpkin during the Fall Festival.

Transition planning

Our Transition Resources include

Explore guides and resources by topic

Transition 101

IEP resources

Health and Benefits


Family stories

Two women are having a conversation

Transition planning

1:1 Transition Guidance

Contact us with your transition questions and we’ll be in touch to schedule an initial consultation.

Whether you’re just starting the transition process or have a young adult about to age out of the school system, navigating the transition process can be overwhelming. You may have questions or just need some guidance on the next step. Our transition experts can focus on what’s on your mind and help you prepare for the future.

Join our online community

Connect with others in our Facebook Community. Ask questions, swap stories and get advice from parents and professionals around the country who have been in your shoes.

Three women are chatting

Upcoming Events

Feb. 25, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. ET

February Transition Talk workshop

Navigating the Healthcare Transition to Adulthood

As individuals with disabilities turn 22 and transition from pediatric to adult care, they face challenges like insurance changes and finding primary care. Our expert speaker will review Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition and share valuable insights and strategies for making this transition as smooth as possible.

Guest Speaker: Peggy McManus, MHS, Co-Director, Got Transition®, and President, The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health

March 25, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. ET

March Transition Talk workshop

Empowered Employment: Skills and Strategies for Success

In this workshop, we’ll explore employment challenges for individuals with disabilities and key skills like communication, time management, problem-solving, and teamwork. Our speakers will share strategies to help families and educators support students in building confidence and workforce readiness.

Guest Speakers: Sara Barron, CoFounder, Ventures ATL, Marisol Carmona, MSW, Program Specialist, Perkins Transition Center

Family stories

Families who have been there

Don’t expect all your ducks to be in a row right away. It takes a village—and time!”


Meet Jill and her mom, Brenda, a family who have learned how to be open to their daughter trying out new things after she completed high school.

Jill is continuing to learn through college experiences, while still making time to be with her friends and have fun as a young adult.

Brenda says, “It’s so easy to think you must have everything prepared right off the bat. One of the things I wish we had known when we were thinking about transition is that we didn’t have to have all the ducks in a row on day one.”

Young woman in striped sweater doing a mock interview

IEP Guidance

Transition-focused IEPs

As young adults enter high school, transition planning and services should be well-represented and integrated throughout their IEP, and anyone reading their IEP should see a roadmap that supports their plans after high school.

Our Transition IEP Guide offers transition-specific guidance for building an IEP that will support your child in achieving their goals after high school, including:

  • Talking the Talk: Transition Planning Glossary
  • Building a Strong, Transition-Focused IEP
  • Writing a transition-focused vision statement
  • Diving into the components of the IEP

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There's always more to learn.

College, life skills, pre-employment, and more.

Our student-centered enrichment programs help you navigate employment skills, future planning, and independent living, to support your student's growth in school, at home, and in the community.