Our programs & services

The knowledge and support you need, when you need it.

A computer and mobile phone

Innovation in college readiness

Perkins is leading the way to systemic change in our education system for students with vision loss through College Success, its college readiness initiative.

Our expert team develops and supports education, training and thought leadership, innovative solutions and collaboration to ensure that the best in mainstream education and blindness education create solutions that our students and families need to meet their educational and life goals.

A compass

Compass, a College Success program

Compass is a completely new take on college readiness planning for college-aspiring high school students with visual impairments.

It’s a nine-month, virtual enrichment program that engages current research to help students, families and educators proactively explore and develop a plan to build the critical skills for reaching individual post-secondary goals.

A magnifying glass
During a break from classes – Compass students hang out in a cafe lounge

College readiness resources

Find the latest insight from experts, perspective on current research and guidance from students, families and educators who have been there.

We have resources that can help you get proactive about college readiness planning – because, no matter where your student is in their journey, it’s never too early.

Our team

  • A woman smiling

    Leslie Thatcher

    Director, Program Development and Strategy, Perkins Transition Center
    Meet Leslie
  • A woman smiling

    Andrea Rutherford

    Director, Compass and Compass Coach
    Meet Andrea
  • headshot of candice cole

    Candice Cole

    Assistant Director, College Success @ Perkins
    Meet Candice
  • Damary Lizardo - a woman with dark hair smiling

    Damary Lizardo

    Program Associate, New England Consortium on Deafblindness (NEC), College Success @ Perkins
    Meet Damary
  • Amanda Baldwin Estep - a woman smiling with dark hair

    Amanda Baldwin-Estep

    Project Manager, National Strategy, College Success @ Perkins
    Meet Amanda

College-eligible vs. college-ready

Leslie Thatcher Director

“Nationally, we’re grappling with gaps in education, leading to many students with visual impairment who are ‘college eligible’ but not ‘college ready.’ We must work with students earlier and present opportunities for growing, making mistakes and problem solving on their own.”


Be prepared.

Post-secondary life can be challenging when you’re blind or visually impaired. If you’re college-aspiring, the opportunities are there, but you have to be prepared to find them. Early planning for the transition to college or the workplace is more important than ever. For many students, college is the first time they’re out on their own.

College Success @ Perkins is an initiative to address the gaps in college readiness for all students with visual impairments – as early as possible, in order to increase efficiency, promote self-advocacy and set students up with the strongest possible foundation for success.

A student with a white cane and an instructor walk on a crosswalk.
A university building
A tall tower in front of the Boston skyline

Join the conversation.

Our team is committed to changing the way students with blindness and visual impairment prepare for their post-secondary journeys. If you want to learn more, let’s talk.

A university building

Learn more.

We’ve taken our learnings and turned them into programs that work and help families make informed decisions.