
The Art of Story Box Making

A tool for creating interactive literary experiences for children

collection of story box items

By: Damary Lizardo, NEC Program Associate

Here at NEC we recently launched our Family Storytime Series, a new program where we will be bringing virtual activities to families that enrich a child’s learning experience at home. Our Educational Consultants and Family Specialists will lead these trainings on a variety of subjects. Our first session was a live interactive reading of a story book coupled with a craft activity. A central piece to this first session was the creation and use of a story box. 

What is a story box?

A story box is a collection of items that correspond to elements of a story. Components of a story box can include everyday items that when coupled with a story act as an interactive tool for youngsters to better understand what is being read. For this session, we used egg shakers, brushes, a doll, and a homemade popsicle stick farm. Anything can be used that engages multiple sensory inputs and allows a child to experience a story in a hands-on way. 

How to choose a book?

There are many commercially available books that make great options for children with deafblindness. Books with highly contrasted images are easier for those with visual impairments. Simple illustrated pages are also easier to process than busier ones. A child’s attention span should be taken into consideration when evaluating the length of a book. Books about routines or upcoming transitions may be especially meaningful for families. Families can even create their own books where the child is the main character!

Tips for a Successful Story Time

Happy story-box-making! Watch our recorded session led by Lead Education Consultant Brenda Allair below to learn more:

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