
Thanksgiving Travel Trends math activity: Desmos line graph

Create a line chart and use the chart to determine the travel trends over a unique 5 year span.

Line chart with red and blue lines and black airplane flying above the lines.

The Sunday after Thanksgiving has long been one of the busiest travel days in the U.S., with air travel volumes historically increasing year by year. According to TSA data:

Share the Thanksgiving Travel Trends Data document with your student.

Thanksgiving Travel Trends Data document

Assignment: Create a Word document

Create and save a Word document called Thanksgiving Travel Trends. The student will add items to this document before turning the document in to his/her TSVI or classroom teacher.

Create a Line Graph using Desmos

First step: What must be done before you can create the line graph? (Determine the number of travelers for 2020.)

The student should show his math equation in the Thanksgiving Travel Trends document. (Hint: The student should use an equation editor such as JAWS Braille Math Editor or Microsoft Word’s Equation Editor, to write the steps for solving the equation.)

Example: Determine the number for 2020 by finding 60% of 2.3 million travelers.

2,300,000 x .60 = 1,380,000

2,300,000 – 1,380,000 = 920,000

There were 920,000 air travelers in 2020.

Resources for creating accessible equations

JAWS Braille Math Editor:

Microsoft Word’s equation editor:

Second step: Use Desmos Graphs to create a ling graph.

Visual example (for TSVI use) of the Thanksgiving Travel Trend line graph:

Screenshot of the Thanksgiving Travel Trend line graph created in Desmos. Included is the data table in the expression and the line chart on the graph paper.

Link to the Thanksgiving Travel Trend Desmos line graph example

The line graph should include these things:

Teacher hint 1: When adding numbers into the Desmos data table, you cannot have numbers in the millions. Instead, use 2.3 and indicate that this is in millions in the y label. Round to the nearest number.

Teacher hint 2: The default for Desmos line graphs is x-axis: -10 to 10 and y-axis: -7 to -7. Since the Thanksgiving Travel Trends begins with a year (2019), the points from the table are off the screen and not visible on the graph. Once all the data points are entered into the expression area, go to the Settings (wrench icon) and change the spread of the x-axis to 2018 through 2024 and y-axis to 0 through 5.

Screen shot of the Thanksgiving Travel Trends line chart with the Settings open menu. Annotated arrows pointing to the x-axis number spread and the x-axis label  textbox with "years".

The student should copy the line graph URL link from Desmos and paste it into the Thanksgiving Travel Trend document.

If desired, have the student emboss the completed line graph before determining the trend. 

Resource for creating a line graph

Determine the Thanksgiving travel trend

(Example for teachers: The TSA data reveals some significant trends with a pattern that reflects the general growth of air travel, impact of COVID, the post-pandemic recovery and finally the culminating in 2023’s record numbers.)

The student should write the sentence describing the trend in the Thanksgiving Travel Trends document and share this completed document with his/her teacher.

Editor’s Note: The goal of this activity is to apply tech skills to complete a math assignment. To complete the activity independently or with limited prompts, the student should be familiar with an equation editor and with Desmos.


By Diane Brauner

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Graphic of an accessible math expression and an editable text box.

Accessible Math Editor: Word

Desmos logo with text

Exploring Math with Desmos: Getting Started

A line graph with red and blue data points and two lines.

Using a data table to create a line graph in Desmos