• Perkins International

Lidiane Jacomini

Family Coordinator




Latin America and the Caribbean


Lidiane Jacomini is the Family Coordinator for Perkins International Programs in Brazil, certified by the Perkins International Academy. Alongside her professional role, she is a driven entrepreneur and a mother of five, including two children with disabilities – one of whom is deafblind and the other visually impaired. Lidiane is behind the group “Nem Guerreiras e Nem Tadinhas” (@NemGNemT) and the owner of “Especialmente Pra Mim” (@especialmentepramim). Beyond her professional and entrepreneurial pursuits, Lidiane serves as a Director at Centro de Recursos em Deficiência Múltipla, Surdocegueira e Deficiência Visual (ADEFAV). She actively participates in the strategic working group Sentidos-Perkins Brazil, with invaluable support from Associação Educacional para Múltipla Deficiência (AHMISA) and Grupo Brasil. She is a passionate social activist, advocating tirelessly for the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities, particularly those with rare diagnoses and those with deafblindness.