A picture of Dr. Prusky wearing glasses and smiling

Glen Prusky, PhD

Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, Burke Neurological Institute Weill Cornell Medicine; Director, Center for Vision Repair Burke Neurological Institute; Director, Vision Research Blythedale Children’s Hospital


Glen’s research program aims to treat visual impairment through cell-based therapies, pharmacological interventions, or by stimulating adaptive neural plasticity with visual experience. An important component of this work has involved quantifying visual behavior in animal models in a simple and efficient way. To this end, his lab has developed a virtual methodology (OptoMotry) to measure spatial visuomotor behavior in freely moving rodents, using a retinal-stabilizing reflex. This task, which does not require trial-based learning or intentional responses, has been widely adopted in the vision science community, and is now a standard methodology. His lab has also pioneered the approach of using repeated measures of this reflexive behavior as a therapeutic experience to enhance cortical visual function. Recently, the lab has translated these procedures for use in humans with brain injury, to assess visual function and to stimulate recovery of function. Indeed, quantifying visual behavioral thresholds in brain damaged humans who cannot follow commands has not been possible; however with their development of software to move standardized visual stimuli on a computer screen and record following smooth eye movements with an integrated eye-tracking device, it is now possible to do so. In addition, adaptively structuring these experiences, as they have in their animal models, also shows promise as visual therapy.


Disclosures for 2024 CVI Conference: Building Meaningful Recognition
Glen Prusky is not being paid for his presentation, but his registration fees are being waived.

Glen Prusky does not have any nonfinancial relationships to disclose.