Stories & Resources


CVI (Cortical / Cerebral Visual Impairment) is the leading cause of visual impairment of children in the U.S. Unfortunately, it’s a condition that is often under-diagnosed or misdiagnosed. Learn the basics, discover the tools and find new resources from our experts at CVI Now.

Showing 81 Results for CVI


Amplifying their Voices and Choices: Supporting a Total Communication Approach for Individuals with CVI

A photo of a woman with blonde hair in front of her table that has a sign that says "Safe Toddles" in the background.

Exhibitor Introductions

Logos of 4 chain restaurants: Pizza Hut, Domino's, KFC and McDonalds.

Cody: Learning life skills through technology

Image of a carved pumpkin and text

Creating tactile graphics images part 8: Multiple pumpkin worksheets


Real Talk about CVI Parenting and CVI Now Resources


Navigating the Medical System with a Medically Complex Child 


Supporting the CVI Visual Behaviors in the Home 

Beula sits across from Nolan who uses an adapted wheelchair. Beula signs with Nolan.

How 2 ELP alumnae hope to expand CVI awareness in India

Aidan wears glasses and smiles wide.

The current state of CVI: A hidden epidemic

The “Magic Eyes” front cover against a green background.

Magic Eyes: The enchanting book for every family’s bookshelf

Dolphins swimming and a speaker symbol

Ocean animal sounds book and activities

Screenshot from the Bubbly app with the Word bubble 'Answer' and confetti on the screen.
Software update

Bubbly Updates: CVI literacy app