Resources & stories

Helen Keller

More on Helen Keller
Helen Keller, smiling, visits with three young schoolchildren.

Building a better Helen Keller lesson plan

Nella Braddy Henney sitting on a large rock under a flowering tree.
Helen Keller

Nella Braddy Henney

Close up of Polly Thomson and Helen Keller's hands, writing.
Helen Keller

Helen Keller’s hands

Living with blindness

More on Living with blindness
Tom Geraci, a legally blind college student, stands outdoors on campus, smiling for the camera.
Living with blindness

Mainstream school as a legally blind student: 5 things I wish my teachers knew

Seven students sit in desks that are facing a student in a wheelchair with his teacher behind him. The student in the wheelchair is passing an item to a student in front of him.
Living with blindness

How person centered planning helped Angel transform his future

Living with blindness

Guardianship: You Have Been Appointed Guardian, Now What?

Career readiness

More on Career readiness
A young man stands in front of a tree wearing sunglasses and a grey shirt.
Career readiness

Why support for young adults with disabilities transitioning to adulthood is crucial

3 people collaborating on a coding project.

Behind the scenes of accessible open source software: NVDA and OSARA

Career readiness

Why does technology matter for students with disabilities?


Epilepsy and CVI explained

A young child sits at a table, focused on a game involving colorful rings and a cone. The child holds a yellow ring, poised to place it on the brown cone, which is mounted on an orange, snail-shaped base. The setting appears to be indoors.

Addressing CVI in Chile: unlocking resources for special education teachers


What are the signs of CVI in adults?

Explore our extensive knowledge center

Browse and filter through our digital resource center for tips and guides for parents, caregivers, teachers, and professionals. Learn more about creating an inclusive, accessible world for people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment.

Illustration of an iPad on top of a stack of folders, wtih the Perkins Knowledge Center open on the browser.