The first post in this series, Writing and editing with an iPad and braille display: Intro part 1, introduced the blinking cursor, how the iPad reacts when inputting braille letters and how to edit with a refreshable braille display. The second post, Writing with a braille display: Scribbling part 2 discussed the benefits of a refreshable braille display and introduced scribbling as a precursor to writing letters. The third post focused on emerging writing skills using familiar words such as names, CVC words, word families and sight words – all in list format. This fourth post will include basic ‘editing a word’ activities for the emerging writer.
The first post in this series talked about the mechanics of the braille display including the blinking cursor, the router buttons, D-chord (1 + 4 + 5 + space) to delete and how to insert or substitute a letter between other letters. Review the first post for written details or watch the video from that post embedded below:
Editing with a Braille Display Introduction Part 1 video:
Every writer will make ‘typing’ errors! When that happens, encourage the student to correct his/her mistakes – a natural way to encourage proofreading and editing skills. The student should also be encouraged to listen carefully as VoiceOver reads the word or sentence, which is the first step in proofreading. VoiceOver will pronounce a different word than what is anticipated or will mispronounce a word that is spelled incorrectly.
Any words can be used for the deleting a letter within a word activity, so choose words that are appropriate for your student. For emerging readers/writers, look through the required sight words or current vocabulary words for the second (final) word in the pair. Examples:
Give the student the first sentence. Read the second sentence out loud and ask the student to edit the sentence to make it the second sentence. After the student has edited the sentence, read the third sentence out loud and ask the student to edit the sentence to make it the third sentence. Repeat for the fourth sentence.
The duck swims in the pond sentence can be used or substitute this sentence with a sentence that contains sight words or a theme that corresponds with what is being discussed in the classroom. Example: For a spring themed sentence, use the sentence, “The bunny hops to the eggs.”
Note: These activities are from the ABC’s of iOS: A VoiceOver Manual for Toddlers and Beyond! by Diane Brauner.
By Diane Brauner
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