Sam Seavey is the popular vlogger; through his BlindLife channel, Sam shares about his life, assistive technology tips and more, all from his visually impaired perspective. During the month of December, Sam is posting the “Working Blind” series of interviews, with a new post every other day. He is interviewing amazing people in the visually impaired community with the goal to highlight different careers choices.

It is never too early for BLV students (and their families) to learn about the wide variety of jobs open to workers with visual impairments. There are unlimited possibilities! Every student needs to be exposed to different jobs before finding a career choice that resonates with him/her. Connecting with mentors will help a student find and prepare for his/her dream job! Each interviewee starts with naming and describing his/her visual diagnosis. Students can connect with others who have similar eye conditions. Can your student succinctly describe his/her eye condition?

The first episode in this series is an introduction to the series and an interview with Sam Seavey himself!

Working Blind Series 1: Sam Seavey video

Working Blind Series #2: Blake video (Blake Steineckel)

Working Blind Series #3: Marien Hornyak

Who will be the next mystery person that Sam interviews? What kind of job will this person do?


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