After I was helping them fill out several pages of medical paperwork, one of my friends asked me about my experience using the iPad Markup tool with low vision, as they knew that I frequently use it to write on forms that I receive over email. While I still prefer using Notability whenever possible to annotate documents, there have been several instances where I have been asked to use Markup for writing on forms that I don’t need to save to my iPad, or for taking exams when the professor did not want me to have a saved copy of the test. Here is an overview of my experience using the iPad Markup tool with low vision, and how others can use it as well.
Markup is a built-in iOS feature starting in iOS 10 that allows users to draw on and annotate images and PDFs across various applications on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Users have the option to use several different tools, including a pen, a marker/highlighter, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and other effects such as text and shapes. Markup can be used with or without the Apple Pencil.
Markup can be used in a few different applications on iOS, though its most common uses are in the Mail app, the Messages app, the Photos app, and the Files app. Here is how to use Markup in the most popular applications.
Using Markup with the Mail app
The Markup tool features several different options for drawing, writing, and annotating on top of photos, PDFs, and other types of non-video content, and allows users to save their annotations directly on top of an image/document.
The available Markup utensils on the toolbar, in order from left to right, include:
There is also a plus icon on the toolbar that includes additional options, including:
Once the user selects a Markup tool, like the pen, highlighter, or pencil, select a color and start drawing. Tap the same tool again to change the color opacity or tap another tool to change the thickness. Users can also tap the color button to change color shades.
After drawing something, users have the option to move it around. Tap the Lasso tool, trace a circle around the drawing that you want to move, then drag it to its desired location.
To redo a drawing, tap the eraser button and rub your finger across the area to erase. Users can also undo any markup action by selecting the undo icon. If you accidentally undo a markup, shake your device, and tap Redo.
The icons for the Markup tool can be magnified with Zoom- I personally use the Window view for Zoom so that there is a smaller focus window that I can use to identify items. The pinch gesture can also be used to magnify photos/PDFs in the Markup tool.
The icons for the Markup tool can be read aloud by VoiceOver and allow users to adjust settings such as opacity, color, and reveal other information about the drawing utensil. However, users cannot use pens/markers/pencils/etc while VoiceOver is enabled with an Apple Pencil or with their finger. For this reason, it’s better to temporarily disable VoiceOver when drawing or writing in Markup. Documents that are created with accessibility in mind (i.e tagged PDFs) can be read in Markup with VoiceOver enabled.
For students taking tests that require the use of Guided Access, the Markup tool can be enabled within the Files app, though as of iOS 14 there is no way to lock the display of the device in the Markup tool unless the button to exit the Markup tool is disabled when setting up Guided Access.
Some of the ways I use the iPad Markup tool with low vision include:
One important thing to note about the iOS Markup tool is that the marker tool is not actually a marker, but a highlighter – it puts a transparent layer over text. Even though swiping back and forth can make it appear that it is creating an opaque layer over text, it can still be adjusted in photo editing to reveal the hidden information, even if the color black is used for the marker. For this reason, it is recommended that users use the shape tool to black out information, as it is harder to reveal what is underneath.
By Veronica Lewis/Veronica With Four Eyes,
Updated September 2023; original post published May 2022.
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