
Transition Talk: Opening the door to a self-determined life using technology

Parent, Alice Brouhard is a champion of the use of technology, especially tablet technology and Amazon Alexa, to assist individuals with memory, physical and cognitive challenges.  Learn from Alice as she discusses the setup and use of two low-cost apps and discusses ways to use Alexa as another key to open the door  to support self-determination.

About the webinar

Parent, Alice Brouhard is a champion of the use of technology, especially tablet technology and Amazon Alexa, to assist individuals with memory, physical and cognitive challenges. 

Learn from Alice as she discusses the setup and use of two low-cost apps ($19.99 and $1.99). She also discusses ways to use Alexa as another key to open the door  to support self-determination.


Alice Brouhard, Principal at TechAble LLC

Download the presentation

Watch Alice’s Ted talk and Kara’s award-winning video

About Transition Talks

Transition Talks workshops are a series of monthly, virtual workshops hosted by Perkins and industry experts, designed to help you plan your blind or visually impaired young adult’s future after High School. These workshops are open to families from across the country. Throughout the year, we’re tackling robust topics including the self-determined IEP, housing options, college pathways for young adults with disabilities, state and federal benefits, guardianship, financial and legal planning and more.


Transition Talk: A Comprehensive Guide to Guardianship


Transition Talks series kick-off: Overview of Transition Planning


Guardianship: The Rights of Young Adults and Adults with Guardians