These blog links support the AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Chart for K-5 students using an iPad with VoiceOver. The AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Chart has been aligned with the elementary school portion of the Common Core State Standards K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence.
The AT Scope and Sequence for K-5 is broken down into these areas:
This post, Tech Lessons 2, will focus on supplemental resources for Word Processing.
The numbers beside the links to these lessons/strategies posts represent a specific AT Scope and Sequence Skill. This document lists the first area of skill called Basic Operations. Some skills (such as Skill #1 Turn on iPad and log in) may not have associated posts. Some posts will fall under multiple areas and may be repeated in this document. This is a living document, meaning that new links will be available as more posts are published.
Skill #1: Use a word processing application to write, edit, print and save simple documents
Delete using keyboard and braille display commands
Navigate by character, word, line and paragraph using gestures, keyboard, braille display commands and rotor commands
Use commands to navigate to the beginning/end of document and first/last item on screen
Use keyboard commands to navigate to beginning/end of word, line or paragraph
Resources for Skill #1
Writing Activities
Challenge Solutions: Google Docs with VoiceOver on iOS (video tutorial demonstrating how to navigate Docs, create & edit, create & navigate a table, change font size & color, explanation of buttons & menus, collaboration & comments, navigating by character or word, and selecting text.
Google Docs: Teaching Collaboration Skills with a Screen Reader (video tutorial and activity includes how to navigate, select, collaborate, and read & make comments)
Digital Transitions #3: Editing Tech Skills & Activities (iPad settings, Editing, spelling, punctuation, navigating commands, editing worksheets)
Editing on iOS Devices Video
Gus the Ghost and Thanksgiving Poem: Reading Comprehension Activities (navigating by stanzas, comprehension)
Turkey vs. Bald Eagle: Debate Writing (and Note Taking)
Pumpkin Writing Prompts Lesson: Digital Creative Writing
Elf Activities: Bringing People Together (Elf writing prompts)
Snowman Activities (Read & pause, comprehension, writing, print)
Winter Puns: Comprehension Activity (navigating)
Valentine’s Day Tech Activities (creating puns & research)
Easter Writing/Tech Activities for Students Who Use Screen Readers (Includes navigating commands (by character, word, line, paragraph, beginning/end, select, copy, delete) for iOS gestures, Bluetooth keyboard and braille display)
Where Do Commas Belong? Grammar Activity (includes navigational commands to navigate by character, word, line, paragraph, beginning/end, etc. for Bluetooth keyboard and braille display.)
Attention Grabbers Lesson Plans (Spelling words, keyboarding skills, Technology navigation commands, & writing activity)
Rhyming Activities for Early Readers (use these rhyming activities in Google Forms to practice accessible radio buttons)
“Dictionary Skills” and Tech
Educational Example of Using Speech to Text and Dictation (Great for students who become frustrated expressing their ideas in writing, who have limited spelling abilities or who are not yet efficient with keyboarding)
Using Dictation in the Classroom MacOS and iOS
Aeden’s Journey on the iPad: Part 6 (Dictation)
Simple Tactile Representations of iPad Features (rotor, layout of apps and dock)
Word Melodies: Emerging Reading and Writing App
Brian: Learning to Write with an iPad and Refreshable Braille Display (Student with multiple disabilities)
Editing using the Orbit Reader 20 and iPad
More Braille Display chords for the Young Student: Layla (O, H, D, R, P)
What’s New with VoiceOver in iOS 11 (Punctuation Settings, Table Output, Misspelled Words)
iOS 12.1 Misspelled Words
Skill #2: Read and navigate documents
Use two-finger “read all” commands to read documents
Use three-finger swipe right/left to navigate to next/previous pages in a document
Resources for Skill #2
Google Docs: Teaching Collaboration Skills with a Screen Reader (video tutorial and activity includes how to navigate, select, collaborate, and read & make comments)
Screen Reader Tech Activities: Thanksgiving Lesson Plan (Includes 2 finger commands and equivalent braille display and Bluetooth Keyboard commands; read & pause, copy & paste, and navigating & editing)
Teaching Listening Comprehension: Very Hungry Caterpillar App Activity
Aeden’s Journey on the iPad: Part 3 (Pause/Play, Titles/Select Document)
Aeden’s Journey on the iPad: Part 4 (2-finger Read gestures)
Kids Listen Podcast: Practicing Tech Skills (Two-finger double tap: start/stop)
Snow Globe Shake-Up: Tech Skills (read & pause, copy & paste for gestures, braille display and Bluetooth keyboard commands)
Winter Puns: Comprehension Activity
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: Teaching Comprehension (Listening Comprehension skills, navigating skills, tech skills)
Brian: Learning to Read with an iPad and Refreshable Braille Display (Student with multiple disabilities)
Word Melodies: Emerging Reading and Writing App
Refreshable Braille Display Commands for the Emerging Braille Reader: R Chord and P Chord (Read and Pause)
More Braille Display chords for the Young Student: Layla (O, H, D, R, P; O Chord – swipe to next page)
Reading Fluency Activities: Elementary Students
Note: Find numerous accessible books in the Book Library!
Skill #3: Use menu/tool bar functions (e.g. font/size/style, line, spacing, margins) to format, edit and print a document (May not be age appropriate for blind or low vision student)
Skill #4: Highlight text, copy and paste text
Copy and paste images within the document and from outside sources
Insert (eliminate sizing a graphic) a graphic in a document
Resources for Skill #4
Challenge Solutions: Google Docs with VoiceOver on iOS (video tutorial demonstrating how to navigate Docs, create & edit, create & navigate a table, change font size & color explanation of buttons & menus, collaboration & comments, navigating by character or word, and selecting text.
Google Docs: Teaching Collaboration Skills with a Screen Reader (video tutorial and activity includes how to navigate, select, collaborate, and read & make comments)
Easter Writing/Tech Activities for Students Who Use Screen Readers (Includes navigating commands (by character, word, line, paragraph, beginning/end, select, copy, delete) for iOS gestures, Bluetooth keyboard and braille display)
Screen Reader Tech Activities: Thanksgiving Lesson Plan (Includes 2 finger commands and equivalent braille display and Bluetooth Keyboard commands; read & pause, copy & paste, and navigating & editing)
Snow Globe Shake-Up: Tech Skills (Cut and Pastes (read & pause, copy & paste for gestures, braille display and Bluetooth keyboard commands)
Skill #5: Use and create image descriptions for photos
Resources for Skill #5
Skill #6: Proofread and edit writing using appropriate resources (e.g. dictionary, spell checker, grammar, and thesaurus)
Resources for Skill #6
Challenge Solutions: Google Docs with VoiceOver on iOS (video tutorial demonstrating how to navigate Docs, create & edit, create & navigate a table, change font size & color explanation of buttons & menus, collaboration & comments, navigating by character or word, and selecting text.
Google Docs: Teaching Collaboration Skills with a Screen Reader (video tutorial and activity includes how to navigate, select, collaborate, and read & make comments)
Where Do Commas Belong? Grammar Activity (includes navigational commands to navigate by character, word, line, paragraph, beginning/end, etc. for Bluetooth keyboard and and braille display.)
Digital Transitions #3: Editing Tech Skills & Activities (iPad settings, Editing, spelling, punctuation, navigating commands, editing worksheets)
“Dictionary” Skills and Tech
Accessibility Review of SpellQuiz Website
By Diane Brauner