Hands holding an iPad with text:

AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence: Tech Lessons 1

Check out these Tech Lessons and Strategies blog posts for the Basic Operations!

Tech Lessons: Basic Operations

(Diane Brauner January 2022)

These blog links support the AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Chart for K-5 students using an iPad with VoiceOver. The AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence Chart has been aligned with the elementary school portion of the Common Core State Standards K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence.

The AT Scope and Sequence for K-5  is broken down into these areas:

This post, Tech Lessons 1, will focus on supplemental resources for the Basic Operations.

The numbers beside the links to these lessons/strategies posts represent a specific AT Scope and Sequence Skill. This document lists the first area of skill called Basic Operations. Some skills (such as Skill #1 Turn on iPad and log in) may not have associated posts. Some posts will fall under multiple areas and may be repeated in this document. This is a living document, meaning that new links will be available as more posts are published.

Skill #1: Turn on iPad and log in

Skill #2: Turn VoiceOver on/off

Skill #3: Gestures/keyboard/braille display commands 

To select icons, urls, radio buttons, check boxes; use scroll bar

Resources for Skill #3

            Getting Started:

Gestures: Teaching Physical Gestures

Gestures: Apps

Gestures: Practicing Activities

Braille: Apps

Braille Display

Student Progression: Layla and Aeden


Skill #4 Use Home Screen icons to open applications and documents

Resources for Skill #4

Open applications

3 Finger swipe right/left or up/down

Skill #5 Understand and use spatial layout 

Resources for Skills #5

Note: These three skills overlap; the posts often discuss more than one area. These spatial skills are lay the foundation for other applications, such as spreadsheets, math, coding, O&M, etc. (More table and grid posts are under the Scope and Sequence topic Spreadsheets (Tables/Charts and Grids). Best practice dictates that when introducing young students to spatial concepts, use tactile materials and pairing tactile overlays on the iPad, before applying digital spatial concepts for educational purposes.

Skill #6 File Management – Saving documents

Skill #7 Explain and use age-appropriate online tools and resources

(e.g. tutorial, assessment, web browser)

Resources for Skills #7

Skill #8 Keyboarding (Bluetooth Keyboard and Braille Display)

Bluetooth keyboard Typing: 

Braille Display:

Skills #9 and #10 were recently added!

Skill #9 Learn about and use different types of elements (e.g. address bar, tabs, menu) 

Skill #10 Learn about and use Control Center, Notification Center, App Switcher, Status Bar, etc.

Resources for #10

Additional Information for Teachers

Manuals/Curriculums/YouTube Videos/Quick Reference Guides

By Diane Brauner

Hands holding an iPad with text

AT Technology Skills Scope and Sequence: Tech Lessons 2

7 Year old making two-finger double tap gesture on Kids Listen podcast app. Text

Kids Listen Podcast: Practicing Tech Skills

Computer screen displaying a certificate and graduation cap onto of a black silhouette thumbs up.

Getting administrators on board with virtual tech instruction