Apple announced Swift Playgrounds for iOS, an app that is designed to teach students how to code. Apple has designed a new approach to coding that lets anyone learn, write and teach code. Swift is a coding language that is easy to use. It allows you to see what you are coding on the left and immediately see the results on the right side of the screen.
View Everyone Can Code on Apple’s website. Located at the bottom of the Everyone Can Code page, be sure to check out the preview of Swift Playgrounds Teacher Guide and the preview of App Development with Swift.
To view the WWDC demonstration video and for detailed information go to Apple’s Swift Playground website. Also view Apple’s page, Swift Playgrounds App makes learning to code easy and fun.
Are you tech savvy? Check out the more technical information at Awesome Swift Playgrounds.
Also check out the Pocket-lint article, Apple Swift Playgrounds app: Here’s how it teaches kids to code on the iPad
Note: Swift Playgrounds will be available in the App Store with the public release of iOS 10 and is currently available as a BETA version. AppleVis comments state that the editor is accessible with VoiceOver; however, some of the highly-graphical output is currently not fully described in the current BETA version.
By Diane Brauner