There have been numerous online discussions about the difficulty of the ACVREP COMS certification exam and questions about strategies for studying to pass the exam.
On July 11, 2024, Laura Bozeman shared on the following information on the O&M List serve:
“The O&M SME Committee has been working hard with Kathie Zeider to update information regarding the O&M Certification Exam and develop some test-taking supports that will soon be added to the ACVREP website.”
Laura also shared these free resources:
There have been multiple responses on social media about test taking strategies from O&Ms who recently became certified. This response summarized the comments from O&Ms:
“Beyond the prep you can do, also don’t forget testing basics – read the questions carefully, make sure that the answer you select is what was asked for (and is the number of things asked for). Make good use of the checkbox that lets you mark a question to come back to – if you’re unsure about one, mark down an answer, check the “review this question” box and then look back at it at the end.”
When asked about being able to finish the exam in the allotted three hours, the responses on social media stated that the prepared test-takers were able to finish without feeling rushed.
Good luck to those taking the O&M certification exams and welcome to the field!
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