Keynote speaker for STEM Career Showcase, Myles DeBastion, holding a guitar standing between arrays of colored lights.

STEAM Career Showcase 2022

STEM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities is an annual event for students in grades 6-12.

STEAM Career Showcase

The 10th annual STEAM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities is just around the corner on Thursday, October 27th! Register now for the STEAM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities.

Showcase Registration link


This is a free, in-person event for learners in grades 6-12 and provides an opportunity for students to connect with role models with disabilities who have thriving careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM).


We are happy to offer the STEAM Career Showcase as an in-person event once again, however the Showcase will also be livestreamed on the Museum’s YouTube account. The breakout rooms and opportunity fair will not be livestreamed. ASL interpretation and live captions will be provided for the entire program.


The recorded Showcase event will be available on the Museum’s website and will be added to this post when available.

Keynote Speaker

Myles deBastion is an artistic director, musician and creative-altruist who develops technology and art installations that enable sound to be experiences as light and vibration. His search for ways to bridge his passion for music with his Deaf identity led him to found CymaSpace, a nonprofit that facilitates arts and cultural events that are inclusive of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.

What inspired you to seek a career in STEAM?

I enjoy problem solving and exploring the intersection of different disciplines. I use science to inspire my art, then I see what technology I can use to engineer my ideas and usually I have to learn a little math along the way!

Why do you hope students participate in the STEAM Career Showcase?

STEAM careers can be really regarding. You get to learn how the world works from multiple points of view, which can help us understand the perspectives of people and cultures who are different to us.

Read Myles’ entire Q&A on the Museum’s blog.

Get more details about the STEAM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities. Be sure to check out the panelists’ bios!

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Logo: "STEAM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math"

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