“A funny, engaging and thought provoking podcast that invites you to solve the mysterious case of missing sounds.” – sounddetectivespodcast.com. A podcast serial produced by LeVar Burton, The Sound Detectives invites elementary school-aged kids to explore the magic and mystery of sound.
Detective Hunch and Audie the Ear, a 3-foot, 5-inch walking, talking human ear and Detective Hunch’s partner, guide listeners on a world-wide tour of mysterious sounds. Using problem-solving skills and teamwork, Hunch and Audie break down and identify intriguing sounds.
What a great way to build auditory awareness, concept development, problem-solving and listening skills! As an O&M instructor, I absolutely love how the character Audie, explains how she arrived at Detective Hunch’s house. “I took the bus. I listened for the announcement for the stop and pulled the chord, the driver let me off, and then I took a six minute walk. It is helpful that you live in a city that is a grid that’s two blocks and then one block – and now I am here!”
Want a taste of the Sound Detectives? Check out the Sound Detectives with LeVar Burton Trailer:
A mysterious phone call from famed inventor LeVar Burton ropes Detective Hunch into a new case: missing sounds! Hunch prefers to work alone, but when Audie the Ear turns up on his doorstep, he reluctantly teams up to solve their first bubbling sound mystery.
Currently, there are 10 episodes which are available on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora or simply listen to the podcasts directly from the Sound Deceives website.
Rule #218 is “know your sounds”. Detective Solvalla’s Handbook for Young Detectives introduces and defines sound related terms with humorous annotations. Example: “Wet” is when a sound has something to do with water or some other liquid. It can be anything from mud to slime to rain! (This is where your trenchant can really come in handy.)
The Handbook is available on the Sound Detectives website under the Extras tab.
By Diane Brauner
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