One student reads the scientific method step from the back of a second student.

Scientific Method Intro – Inquiry Lab

In this activity, students with visual impairments order the steps of the scientific method prior to formal instruction.

In this inquiry-based learning activity, students who are blind or visually impaired work in groups to put the steps of the scientific method in order. This activity precedes formal instruction on the scientific method. 



1. Prepare cards with the steps of the scientific method in braille and/or large print depending on the students with the following steps, one on each card.  Do NOT number them.

2. For the game procedure:


Game Variation

  1. Explain to students that we will be thinking like scientists today doing experiments.  Discuss briefly.  Ask if any of them know a scientist.  Discuss.  
  2. Tell students that before we talk further about what scientists do, they will have the chance to play a game.  Each of them will represent one step of the scientific method (or simplify language about science process) 
  3. Explain to the students that each of them will represent one step in the scientific method.  If there are too many students, either break into 2 groups or have the students work with a partner.  Say, “Each of you will have a card on your back in braille and large print.  The other students in the class will read your card and you will read their cards.  Your task is to put yourselves in order.”    If appropriate and motivating for your class, give them a challenge time (maybe 5 min).  Some classes might find this stressful, though.  
  4. Have students stand in as open of an area of the room as possible.
  5. Place a card on each student’s back. 
  6. Tell students they may begin.
  7. Students will read each others’ backs and place themselves in order. (See picture). 
  8. If the order is not correct, ask appropriate probing questions, like “Can we do research if we haven’t yet asked a question?”
  9. After guiding students to the correct order, discuss each step in detail while they are still standing.

Individual Variation 

  1. Give each student a set of all five cards NOT in order.  
  2. Students will place the cards in order individually.  (If there are only two students sitting next to each other, you may want to have them work together – However, I found that one student in each class seemed to be have more prior knowledge and took over the activity)
  3. Ask probing questions to guide students only if they are struggling after giving sufficient time to think about the activity. 



Simplify language if necessary, for example: “science process” instead of “scientific method”

NGSS Standards

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

By Laura Hospitál

Collage of Introduction to the steps of the scientific method

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