These blog posts and articles supplement our ideas for getting started and our teaching tips.
Adapting Warm-Up Activities in Science for Students with Visual Impairment
Building with Legos Using Accessible Instructions
Determining Speed of Trevor Thomas, a Hiker Who Is Blind
Encouraging Independent Living Skills in the Science Lab
The Heart of a Young Scientist: Inspiration from an Entrepreneur
Magnification of Scientific Specimens for Students with Low Vision
Reading for All Students: Finding the Right Text for Differentiated Instruction
The Science Fair Is for Everyone!
Student with Visual Impairments Discusses Space Camp
Supporting English Language Arts Skills in Science
Teaching Science Using an Active Learning Approach
Using Humor in Science Instruction for Students with Visual Impairment
Using the PenFriend for Science Instruction
Volunteer Assistance with Science Projects
Who Are the Scientists with a Visual Impairment?
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