Black and white image of a lion

Safari animal sounds: ePub and tactile graphic activities

Use these Safari ePub and tactile graphics to build concepts!

This engaging book includes audio clips of various safari animals. With it’s solid red or yellow colored images on a black background, this book is ideal for students with CVI, students with multiple disabilities, students with low vision and is accessible for students who rely on a screen reader. 

Safari animals ePub created by TVI Andrea Billelo

Pair the book with tactile graphics of each animal. Students should be regularly exposed to graphics to build graphic literacy and to build strong concepts! Use the animal fun facts to help understand how the animal’s body shape and distinguishing characteristics help the animal survive.

Fun facts

Download the attached animal images to make a tactile graphics using a PIAF or Swell machine.

Giraffe: Giraffes are known for their super long neck and towering height. They can reach high up into the trees to eat twigs and leaves. Giraffe’s have two little knobs on the top of their head. They also have long, muscular legs and can run fast and will kick to keep predator away. They are the tallest land animal. Giraffes have a pale coat with a dark blocky pattern.

Giraffe coloring page image

Giraffe coloring page Image 

Lion: Lions are big cats. They have a strong muscular body with powerful front legs. They can run very fast – up to 50 miles per hour! Male lions have a majestic mane, fit for a king! Lions are known as the “king of the jungle” because of their power and strength. Female lions do not have manes and are smaller than the male. 

Lion male coloring page image
Lion female coloring page image

Lion Male coloring page image.      Lion Female coloring page

Zebra: Zebras look like horses with black and white stripes. The stripes are thought to help keep the zebra cool and to keep insects away. They are super-fast runners (up to 65 miles an hour) and can outrun a lion!

Zebra coloring page image

Zebra coloring page image

Leopard: Leopards are big cats. They are fast runners and are big jumpers. Leopards are light in color and have darks spots; although there are also black leopards with hard to see spots. They like to climb trees and will eat and sleep in a tree.

Leopard coloring page image

Leopard coloring page image

Rhino: Rhinos are the second largest land animal. (Elephants are bigger.) They have round body with a large head, short legs and a short tail. They have a horn on their face. Some species have a second smaller horn. Rhinos use their horns in fights and when foraging food. Rhinoceros means “nose horn”.

Rhino coloring page image

Rhino coloring page

Elephant: Elephants are the largest land animal. They have long, strong trunks that lift up food and are used to suck up water and pour it into their mouths. African elephants have hard ivory tusks used to dig for food and water. They also have large, thin ears that help keep them cool.

Elephant coloring page image

Elephant coloring page image

Additional activities

Can your student group these animals together? What characteristic was chosen to group the animals? (Example: Leopard and Lion are both “big cats” and can run fast.)

Ask thinking questions, such as, “Why does the leopard and lion need to run fast?” Or which animals can run fast/ which animals can not run fast? Why?

For younger students, use simple descriptions for each animal. If desired, add a braille label to each safari graphic.

Working on phonics? Can your student match the braille (or print) letter with the tactile graphic of the animal? Be careful! Some animals share the same initial letter!

Additional resources

A colorful decorated gingerbread man cookie.

Gingerbread man: Sequence, copy and paste activities

Dolphins swimming and a speaker symbol

Ocean animal sounds book and activities

Solid black spider

Spider activities part 2