The Rocket Cupcake Co. iOS app is a dynamic story-driven gameplay designed to teach young students – age 4 and up – how to code. Learn the basics of coding with Goldie Blox and Ruby Rails as they deliver cupcakes to friends all over BloxTown.
With infinite puzzles and sweet mini-games, your young coder will learn the basics of sequencing, mental modeling, and debugging – without even realizing they’re learning.
Unfortunately, this app is not accessible with VoiceOver.
By 2018, 2.4 million new jobs will require STEM skills. GoldieBlox is empowering girls to be leaders in STEM since 2012! Read more about GoldieBlox, where the goal is to get girls building (and interested in engineering!)
Be sure to check out Goldie’s videos for kids!
By Diane Brauner