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POSB STEM Institute

Spark your student's curiosity and skills in STEM courses!

We are excited to officially announce the 2025 POSB STEM Institute for Instruction that is being hosted by the California School for the Blind and CATT-NW on April 8-10 in Fremont, CA. Check out the updated Save the Date  document. This is your chance to share and learn with others who have a love for science, technology, and mathematics education for students who are blind or visually impaired! 

The Save the Date includes information about how to RSVP, submit to be a presenter or vendor, and information about booking your room as part of our block ($95/night plus taxes and fees, including free breakfast). Here are the important links for easy reference:

Please RSVP now. Official registration will start January 31, 2025.

Call for Presenters and Vendors is NOW OPEN (Deadline is January 10, 2025).

Hotel Info: Best Western Plus Garden Court Inn and Best Western booking link

Please forward to anyone you think may be interested in attending.

We hope to see you April 8-10, 2025 in Fremont, CA!  

Additional information

Susam Oseterhaus shared the following information about this exciting conference:

“Sara Larkin and I have been co-chairs of the biennial POSB STEM (previously
just Math and Science) Institute for Instruction since 2011.  For any of
our STEM teachers with blind students and TSVIs who need to know more about
supporting our students in STEM, this is a must attend event that only
happens every two years.

We do our best with no budget to make this the most affordable conference
for all attendees, presenters, and vendors. I think we have outdone
ourselves this year. CATT – NW is our big time sponsor for the venue, and
the CSB was able to get us the terrific hotel price which includes

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