3 images of tech: Ruby

Our Cooking Adventure is Done… So Now What??

We are sad to say that our month of Meal Kit fun has come to an end...

Assistive Tech for The Win!

Up to this point, the content we’ve put out on this blog page has mostly about cooking. However, our wonderful meal kit delivery experience has come to an end. But just like the saying, when one door closes, another one opens. Our upcoming blogs will range from a variety of topics. There is so much we can write about. For now, and the next few weeks, we’ll go in depth into all thing’s assistive technology and the huge impact it has on the lives of those who are blind and visually impaired. 

We as people with vision impairments rely so heavily on assistive technology to not only enjoy life and its pleasures, but we also use it in our day to day lives doing everyday things. This is especially evident during these current times given we are living in a worldwide pandemic. Which means the majority of things we would normally be doing in person is now being conducted online. Thus, creating a great window of opportunity to bust out those AT skills we all have and even learn some new ones. There are so many kinds of AT that can assist people with vision impairments. From amazing tech devices like a braille note touch, to an embosser, to a wide range of different apps, to text to speech computer software. I honestly cannot imagine what my life would be like without all the great AT we have access to today. What makes the world of AT even more exciting is there is always some new program or device in the work that is being developed and tested. This makes me even more excited to see what kind of crazy awesome tech we’ll have in the coming months and years to come. 

I wanted to take this week to introduce the topic we’ll be discussing for the next few weeks. What I talked about today is just a taste of all the great AT content the team and I will be putting out soon. Some things I will get into include, what tech I use on a daily basis, my favorite tech, tech tips and tricks, and much much more!


 How Assistive Technology Can Help the Visually Impaired!

Assistive technology can be extremely helpful for the visually impaired. This can help them in many ways. It can help them see homework for school better, it can help them at work. I personally have been impacted by assistive tech. I use a prodigy which really helps me zoom in on homework. My sophomore year, I had to measure something which I could not see the tool I needed to use. So, I used the prodigy to help me see it better.


Me and My Assistive Technology, My Assistive Technology and Me!

Hey again Readers! It’s been a while since my fellow bloggers, and I have written for you all. After a fun four weeks, our Meal Kit Experience came to an end. But as we were all talking and reflecting on our experiences, we decided that our blogging shouldn’t stop just because our cooking challenge was over!! We are so excited to keep writing for all of you and to shake things up with some new, fun topics!! We took some time to brainstorm where to start and I am so excited to share that for the next few weeks, we will be talking about Assistive Technology!

As people with vision impairments, so much of our independent success relies on the use of Assistive Technology or AT. From computer software like ZoomText or JAWS to smartphone apps like “Seeing AI” or “Magnifier”, there is now a huge collection of AT resources that allow blind individuals to best accommodate and succeed!!

Personally, I know that I couldn’t have gotten through my Meal Kit experience without the help of AT. But that’s not all AT has helped me to do! I have spent most of my life testing out various forms of AT. I have found some services that did not work well for me, but I kept trying until I found the resources that best suited my needs! I even went through a phase where I was resistant to using AT to help me navigate my world. Learning how to use AT and incorporating it into your daily life can be a process. It doesn’t just happen over night and that process is different for everyone based on your personality, your vision impairment, and more.

I am so excited to share my experiences with AT, as well as some tips and tricks I’ve discovered over the years with all of you! I hope that after hearing from my fellow bloggers and I, you’ll see that AT presents endless possibilities to help you succeed, and further instill that it’s not always about what you see, but about what you DO!

-Frankie Ann

Our New Topic, “Technology”!

Hey everyone, so started from this week we are going to started to move our topic off the cooking a little, to a new topic, “technology”.

I believe this word is not new to all of us, because they are a totally a blessing for people that who are vision impaired or totally blind. I believe everyone’s pocket have a smartphone with screen-reader, right? Is that the best, I love my phone, I can Google, check the weather, play games, listen to the music, and a lot more. Or a victor reader, it’s not great listen music with, my opinion, but it’s great at read books, I love using it to read. Computer, it’s so powerful, we can do a lot on them. 

See! Technology is in our life everywhere, there are so many good technologies that can makes our life easier, happier, so in next few weeks I am   going through different technologies that I know is so helpful and powerful, if you guys know any good ones, comment down to me, not just technologies, even apps and more!


By CookingWithoutLooking

7th grade Layla sits with her hands on a laptop running JAWS.

Benefits of mastering tech early: Layla, then and now!

4 photos of hands holding devices with text

I have VI technology, now what?

Reading Adventure Time and Writing Adventure Time App logos

Reading Adventure Time and Writing Adventure Time Apps