The O chord (1+3+5+space) is a way to to skip “over” to the next page on the iPad.
*The corresponding voice over gesture is the 3 finger swipe left.
G Chord (G is for Grade)
The G chord (1+2+4+5+space) allows you to change between uncontracted (Grade 1) and contracted (Grade 2) braille output on the braille display.
Note: In iOS 9 and 10, G Chord toggles between uncontracted and contracted Braille Output. Dropped H Chord (2+3+6+space) toggles Braille Input.
H Chord (H is for Home)
The H chord (1+2+5+space) takes you to the home screen of the iPad.
D Chord (D is for Delete)
The D chord (1+2+4+space) is to delete.
Ideas for Using and Practicing Chords:
O Chord: Place the student’s favorite app on the second page of the iPad so he/she needs to use the O chord to get to the app he/she wants.
R Chord & P Chord: Write a story in a Pages document about the student. Ask the student to use the R chord to listen to the story. Ask the student to use the P chord to pause at certain points in the story.
G Chord: Have the student write in a Pages document. Ask them to switch between uncontracted and contracted braille output to compare the spelling/contraction for a specific word.
H Chord: When a student is finished with an app, they can use the H chord to get back to the home screen.
D Chord: When writing in a Pages document, use the D chord to delete. (The setting on the rotor will determine if a character, word, or line will be deleted).