A girl on a scooter feels the hula hoops on the floor.

Life-Size Chutes and Ladders Game

Interactive game designed to allow students to practice appropriate social skills, turn taking, numeracy skills, fitness skills and following rules.

Numbers and shapes

Adapted from the popular table-top board game “Chutes and Ladders”, this game is played in an open gym space and can be played by students of all ages and abilities. It is designed to allow students to practice appropriate social skills, turn taking, numeracy skills, fitness skills and following rules. The game can be made more difficult depending on the ability level of the students playing.

The skills worked on within this activity are directly related to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education National Standards, the Perkins School for the Blind Adapted Physical Education Curriculum and components of the Expanded Core Curriculum.

Multiple hula hoopsSet up of chutes and ladders game

Environmental modifications:

Students play life-size Shoots and Ladders game
Students play life-size Shoots and Ladders game.

Collage of Chutes and Ladders

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