
Levels of Independent Living

Independent Living Skills comprise a range of areas and can be addressed at all ages and levels of abilities.

Independent Living Skills comprise a range of areas and can be addressed at all ages and levels of abilities.

Independent Living Skills Areas

The ILSA (Independent Living Skills Assessment) is a helpful tool that can be used to track a student’s level of independence. Skill areas include:

Levels of Independent Living

Students can be arranged into living groups, according the level of their needs.  While Perkins has a residential component, a family could go through similar levels teaching independent living skills to their child.  The current cottage levels at Perkins follow these levels:

Steps of Tasks in Independent Living

Each skill area can be broken down into multiple steps using a task analysis approach.  Below are some examples of students at different levels.  These excerpts are part of their individual Transition Portfolios, which help to ensure consistency.

Learn more about Transition Portfolios.

Brushing My Teeth

Student brushing teeth
  • I use an electric toothbrush.
  • If you apply the toothpaste, I can complete my routine with hand-over-hand assistance.
student brushing teeth

  • It helps to count aloud to ten while moving through each quadrant of my mouth…this allows me to anticipate when it’s time to move to a new section.
student brushing teeth

  • If I do not want to participate, I will not maintain a grasp on my toothbrush. 
  • In these cases, staff can complete my tooth brushing routine for me. 
student brushing teeth

  • You can still count to ten while brushing each quadrant… it helps to keep me involved in the process. 

Attached File(s)

More on Independent Living:

By Denise Fitzgerald

Image of text

Independent Living Skills: A Student’s Perspective

A student makes a bed

Independent Living


Independent living: Skill-building for a foundation of independence