Image of two student desks in front of a blackboard with the words

Lesson Library

The Lesson Library contains digital resources created by educators, family members, groups, individuals and students. These free resources can be downloaded and used in the classroom and at home and are wonderful resources for remote instruction.

In the 21st century classroom, general education teachers have numerous digital lessons, curriculums and educational applications at their fingertips. When COVID-19 pandemic caused school building closures, educators began to rely even heavier on online and digital educational resources. TVIs and COMS have been – and continue to be – challenged by the lack of accessible mainstream digital materials. Many TVIs and COMS are creating remote instruction, hybrid and face-to-face lessons for both Core Curriculum subjects and for Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). In addition, many of lessons are designed to teach specific skills unique to students who are visually impaired. What if there is a place where educators and family members can browse through and find lessons that can be used with students who are visually impaired?

The Lesson Library is one central place to find lessons and ideas to help educators and family members teach students with visual impairments. Paths to Technology has a multitude of lessons covering a variety of subjects and topics appropriate for students with visual impairments ranging from preschool thru college. In an effort to make it easier for educators to browse through the available lessons, the Lesson Library is organized into categories. The current categories include: 

More categories may be added as the Lesson Library grows!

Note: Individual lessons may fit into more than one category. Posts in the Lesson Library may overlap with resources in the Book Library or Map Library. Content is being added daily, so be sure to check back frequently.

Lessons can be original ideas or modifications of a general education lesson. (Please be aware of copyrighted mainstream materials.) Lessons can be in any format, including written lessons, video, auditory, presentations (PowerPoints), and tactile formats. Lessons can be on any topic and for any preschool – college age group.

The Lesson Library contains lessons created by TVIs, COMS, educators, family members and students. As you create and teach lessons for your students, please consider sharing the lessons here on Paths to Technology. As a community, we can pool our creativity and resources by sharing lesson plans with each other, saving everyone time and providing quality and fun lessons for our students! Please share your lessons to [email protected]. Thank YOU for sharing your lessons!


iOS specific

Stay Still Squeaky App logo and text, "Stay Still Squeaky App: Independence vs. Learned Helplessness" Ballyland Stay Still Squeaky App: Following Directions and Indpendence (tap, swipe, drag gestures; systematic search, indpendence vs. learned helplessness and more)

Elf sitting in an open microwave with popped popcorn spilling out and text, "Elf Activities: Image Descriptions" Elf Activities: Image Descriptions (Includes how to add image description to an iOS or Android phone/tablet)

Preschooler with fingers reading the braille on a Braille Display. Getting Started on the iPad in Preschool

A colorful decorated gingerbread man cookie. Gingerbread Man: Sequence, copy and paste activities

7 Year old making two-finger double tap gesture on Kids Listen podcast app. Text, "Listening, Comprehension & Tech Skills" Kids Listen Podcast: Practicing Tech Skills (two-finger double tap)

Young girl with pig-tails intently pressing a chord command on her braille display. More Braille Display Chords for the Young Student: Layla (O, H, and D chords)

Control, Option and Command keys on an iPad's Bluetooth keyboard Navigating by Headings or Lists: iPad, Google Docs, and VoiceOver

Screenshot of a web page with Page Settings popup menu. Reader Feature highlighted. Text: Reader Feature: Eliminate Clutter" Navigating Websites: Reader Feature

Image of red wrapped present in front of a Christmas tree and text, "Peakaboo Present: 1-finger Gesture" Peakaboo Presents App Review (Teaching 1-finger tap and 1-finger double tap)

photo of a pumpkin and text, "Presentation Tech Lesson" Pumpkin Life Cycle Lesson: Presentation (PowerPoint)

Preschooler's hands typing on a Braille Display with an iPad and Bluetooth keyboard beside her. Refreshable Braille Display Commands for an Emerging Braille Read: R Chord and P Chord

Glad I am not a turkey poem. Screen Reader Tech Activities: Thanksgiving Lesson Plans (read & pause, screen reader speed, copy and paste, navigating & editing)

 Using tactile representations to explain iPad concepts to a first grade blind student. Simple Tactile Representations of iPad Features (home Screen & rotor)

Image of Snow Globe Family book cover and text, "Tech Skills: Navigate, Cut and Paste" Snow Globe Shake-Up: Tech Skills (Cut and Paste) Language Arts lesson with squencing the story plot and tech commands for navigating, selecting, copy/cut and paste)

4 year old tapping top of the iPad screen and text, "Spatial Tech Standards: Directional Terms" Spatial Tech Standards 1: Directional Terms (top, bottom, left, right, under, over, and more!)

Photo of 3 rows of toys and photo of iPad Home Screen with tactile row overlay. Text, "Spatial Tech Standards: Rows" Spatial Tech Standards 2: Rows

Icon of a person presenting in front of a slide on a screen Students: How to PRESENT a presentation

Photo of two iPads opened to VoiceOver Practice page and two hands making the 1-finger tap gesture. Text: Synchronized Swimming Practicing Gestures: Synchronized Swimming Activity (practice physical gestures and what the gesture does)

Tactile graphic of Math Robot screen with braille beside the app with text, "Tactile to Digital: Math Robot" Tactile to Digital Part 1: Math Robot

Tactile graphic of Math Melodies Add and Delete screen with text, "Tactile to Digital: Math Melodies"Tactile to Digital Part 2: Math Melodies

Fiinger dragging across a tactile table overlay on the iOS game, Absolute Positions; text, "Tactile Overlay for a Digital Table" Absolution Position base and advanced pdf for PIAF/Swell graphics machine

4 year old tapping top of the iPad screen and text, "Spatial Tech Standards: Directional Terms" Spatial Tech Standards 1: Directional Terms

I Hear Ewe logo and text, "Teaching VoiceOver Gestures with I Hear Ewe App" Teaching VoiceOver Gestures with I Hear Ewe App: Activity 

Screenshot of All About Me keynote presentation and text, "Accessing Keynote Presentations/books with VoiceOver" Tech Standards: Accessing Keynote Presentations with VoiceOver (Geared for young students using emerging reader books)

Photo of preschooler sitting in the grass with his dog between 2 small American Flags and text, "Label Photos" Tech Standards: Adding Image Descriptions to iOS Photos

Screenshot of All About Me keynote presentation and text, "Keynote Presentations for K-3rd: VoiceOver Tutorial and Activity." Tech Standards: Keynote Presentations with VoiceOver Activity Part 1 (Activities designed for early elementary students)

Screenshot of Macy's Keynote Presentation in Outline view and text, "Creating Keynote Presentation: Outline View" Tech Standards: Creating Keynote Presentations Part 2 (Tech savvy high school student shares her tips and a video tutorial on creating Keynote presentations)

Photo of 7-year old tapping an animal in the Very Hungry Caterpillar: First Words app and text, "Teaching Strategies" VoiceOver Teaching Strategies: Spatial Concepts (has a variety of teaching strategies including how to introduce a new app and strategies to increase student independence with technology)

Kindergartener's hands on a braille display. Writing and editing with an iPad and braille display: Intro part 1

Scribble lines with colorful crayons and chalk on a black background. Writing with a braille display: Scribbling part 2

Young child using a braille display paired with a tablet. Writing with a braille display: Lists part 3

Braille display with the word "run" and finger pointing to the blinking cursor below the letters U and N. Writing and editing with a braille display: Editing part 4

Cartoon image of two kids in a row boat rowing. Writing and editing with a braille display: Proofreading part 5


Ringers on a numpad (numeric keyboard) Computer Numpad Part 1: Learning the Numpad

Picture of a cartoon boy with blonde hair and blue flippers, scuba diving Deep Dive into the Keyboard

Index finger on a Bluetooth keyboard with iPad open to keyboarding app. Text: "Introducing the Keyboard: CVI" Introducing the Keyboard – CVI Lesson and Tips

Screenshot of the numeric keypad in the phone app on a mobile phone. Learning Numeric Keypad Layout: Activities

Photo of hands with index fingers touching thumbs. Text, "Keyboard Yoga" Keyboard Yoga (hand exercises to learn spatial relationships prior to keyboarding)

General tech skills

Screenshot of the digital advent calendar with buttons for each day with a background of Christmas trees. Accessible Digital Advent Calendar (Webpage navigation and table navigation)

Drawing of three colorful highlighters. Accessing Bold, Underline and Italics on a Mac with VoiceOver: Activity

Donut with icing and sprinkles. April Fool’s Day Lessons (note taking from a video about three potential origins for April Fool’s Day, research, writing and donut prank)

Index finger on the "h" key of a bluetooth keyboard paired with an iPad. 3 Steps to becoming a Tech Power User (Using the Rotor and Single Letter keyboard Commands)

Image of Google Web browser screen and text, " Browsing the Web: Video tutorials" Browsing the Web: Video Tutorials

laptop with finger pointing to the YouTube video play button. Butterflies part 3: Note taking from videos

Monarch butterfly Butterflies part 4: Books and writing activities

Red and white striped candy cane Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt

Collection of popular candy: Reese's peanut butter cup, jolly ranchers, milk duds, etc. Spreadsheet Activities

Colorful candy hearts with written sayings. Candy Heart Math: Estimating, Measuring and Graphing

White duck Concept Development ThroughTactile Graphics: Duck Example

Screenshot of the Word document, 4 Endangered US Mammals with arrows pointing to highlighted "Grizzly Bear" & "Heading 2" styles Creating Headings for a Screen Reader: Lesson Plan

Text, "Dictionary skills and Tech" with background of a page in a dictionary. “Dictionary” Skills and Tech 

colorful jellybeans Easter Egg Estimating (Estimating, 10-frame, nonstandard measurement, & tech skills)

Black and yellow caterpillar hanging upside down while munching on a leaf. Efficiently navigating a document or textbook for class

large brown egg in a nest. Text: "Egg Idioms" and speech bubble with "Nest Egg". Egg Idioms: Tech Activities (Writing, vocabulary, navigation commands, tables)

Five snowman in a row. Five Little . . . Repetitive Text for Emerging Readers and Beyond!

Gingerbread house, vector image My Gingerbread House: Days of the Week (making simple gingerbread houses, sequencing, cut, and paste)

A colorful decorated gingerbread man cookie. Gingerbread Man: Sequence, copy and paste activities

 SixDotMath presents Google Classroom Using NVDA/JAWS Part 1: Joining a class, Overview, Dealing with Pop-Ups, & Dashboard Google Classroom Using NVDA/JAWS Part 1 (6-part video tutorial series)

Powerpoint slide with "where do mummies go to swim? and image of a mummy. Halloween Jokes: Presentation Lesson

Outline image of a snowman with a solid hat and scarf. Holiday I Spy: Tactile Graphics (includes rows, columns, grids and systematic scanning techniques)

iPad showing an educational app with red circle slashed line through it and text, "How to Check for Accessibility" How to Check for App Accessibility?

Image of Martin Luther King, Jr and an American flag with text, "I have a dream" I Have a Dream: High school literature activities (includes digital note taking skills)

Student sitting at a desk with a large monitor displaying lines of text and screen reader symbol. Introducing VoiceOver on a Mac: Student lessons

The Spinrockers, Devin and Mary dressed in western wear sitting on a bench holding their canes singing The JAWS song, TSBVI logo The JAWS Song by Spinrockers (learn JAWS commands thru this song!)

Colorful swirled large lollipop Lollipop Garden Activities (Grow lollipops from jellybean seeds, parts of a flower, slide presentation or digital book)

Silhouette of child giving a flower to his mom and text, "Mother's Day Tech Activity"Mother’s Day Activity: Presentation Tech Activity with Self-Advocacy Skills

Picture of Microsoft Word Keyboard Commands BINGO card. Microsoft Word Keyboard Commands Activities: Quiz and BINGO

Polar bear image with text, google Sheets & JAWS Lesson: Arctic Animals Navigating Google Sheets with JAWS Lesson: Artic Animals

Colorful tactile-graphic machine ready image of a Google Slide in Edit View with braille labels. Navigating Google Slides with JAWS

hands passing wrapped gifts reaching out from an iPhone to a woman, vector image Online Holiday Shopping: Tech Activity

PowerPoint slide from the Alphabet Book: Airplane image and sound clip. PowerPoint Lesson Plan for Elementary Students

Cartoon image of a snowman with text, "Snowman Activities: Hands-on, Comprehension and Tech" Snowman Activities (includes reading commands, comprehension activities, and tech skills)

4 year old tapping top of the iPad screen and text, "Spatial Tech Standards: Directional Terms" Spatial Tech Standards 1: Directional Terms

Solid black spider Spider Activities Part 2

The Mitten book by Jan Brett Cover The Mitten: Comparing, writing and tech skills (tables and spreadsheets)

Photo of Kid President, 10-year old boy dressed in a suit sitting in front of a presidential seal. The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Note Taking

Keyboard showing HJK keys. Tech Power User: JAWS Quick Keys

Tactile representation of a cursor placed between the first and second letter of the braille word "super" Tips for Young Students Learning to use a Screen Reader (screen reader concepts)

Cartoon robot with text: "I can read out loud for you!" Tech Recipe: Listen to your Writing (listening skills activity for students with low vision) 

Cartoon image of a student on Virtual Class and text, "Zoom Etiquette for Students with VIB" Teaching a Virtual Class: Zoom Etiquette

An adult Florida Panther image used as an alt text description activity. Train Gen Ed Teachers: Creating Accessible Documents Activity (For students too!)

Reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh through the starry night and text, "'Twas the Night Before: Comprehension" ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: Teaching Comprehension (tech skills and language arts)

A yellow background with a black and white computer in the middle. There is a blank white Microsoft Word Document open on the co Using and Editing a Microsoft Word Document (video tutorial)

Box containing JAWS screen reading software with bold text above and below it. Text above image Twas the Night Before Christmas. Using Celebrations to Teach JAWS (‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and Frosty the Snowman)

7 year-old applying critical thinking strategies while dragging his finger across a row of animals in a Sequencing app. Using Tech to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Image of star-shaped sugar cookies with sprinkles Sugar Cookie Recipe: Read by Lines Tech Skills

Colorfully decorated red, white and pink heart cookies for Valentine's Day. Valentine’s Day Tech Activities

Screenshot of Wacky Web Tales, the Beach web form with static text and text fields. Wacky Text Field Lessons: Understanding Quick Nav Commands (and Tab command!)

A whole watermelon and a watermelon slice. Watermelon-Related Activities (includes navigating a book in Book Creator)

Dr. Penny Rosenblum holding a microphone and an iPad while presenting at a conference. When you have low vision and are the conference presenter: What works for me

Photo of crafting small refrigerator magnets with scissors and magnetic tape. Where in the World is My Cursor? (concept activity)

Language arts

Stack of yearbooks; top yearbook has an image of an eagle with text, "Eagles" Accessible Yearbooks

Donut with icing and sprinkles. April Fool’s Day Lessons (note taking from a video about three potential origins for April Fool’s Day, research, writing and donut prank)

Short list of attention grabber example phrases. Attention Grabbers Lesson Plans (spelling, keyboarding, tech commands, writing activities)

Looking down image of a circle of kids with hands stacked on top of each other. Back to School Activity: Autograph Scavenger Hunt

Photo of individual sight words flashcards on a ring with  text, "CVI Lessons: Sight Words" Beginning Readers – Sight Words: Lesson, Activities, Tips (CVI)

3-year old boy with a beanie baby stuffed eagle. Bird song book and bird-related activities

Image of the B (bunny) tactile coloring page with text, "Braille Alphabet Coloring Page" Braille Alphabet Coloring Pages

Colorful image of alphabet blocks in print and sim braille with the blocks opening like a mouth. "ChatterPix" is printed in the bottom right corner. Braille Alphabet: Student-created YouTube Video

Image of a young man with a guide dog and the text, "World Braille Day" in print and simulated contracted braille. Braille Boom Cards (3 braille-related decks for people with vision interested in learning braille)

Cartoon person with hands on a braille book beside a Perkins Brailler with text, "Braille Learning Series 2, Perkins Brailler." Braille Boom Cards: Braille learning Series 2 (Perkins Braille Writer deck)

photo of Mountain Mike's Pizza Menu in braille in front of a Perkins Brailler and text, "Braille Reading Activity: Pizza!" Braille Reading Activity: Pizza!

Build a Monster online game: a yellow monster standing one two feet with 2 closed eyes, two horns, smile with 5 top teeth sticking out and a tail. Build a Monster online game: Low vision (Match CVC words to pictures)

Cartoon caterpillar on a half eaten leaf reading a book. Butterflies part 1: Caterpillars

Butterfly life cycle Butterflies part 2: Butterfly life cycle

laptop with finger pointing to the YouTube video play button. Butterflies part 3: Note taking from videos

Monarch butterfly Butterflies part 4: Books and writing activities

Red and white striped candy cane Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt

Photo of the outline of the coconut tree coloring page with shapes indicated what color to use in each area. Color-by-Number, Color-by-Shape, Color-by-letter Coconut Tree (The post contains additional color-by-shape worksheets.)

Photo of dolphin "stay between the lines" maze and text, "Creating Tactile Graphic Mazes" Creating Tactile Graphics Images Part 4: Maze Worksheets Discusses the importance of daily classroom worksheets to develop tactile graphics skills, concepts about objects/animals, and logical thinking with these Finger Maze Activities. Downloadable mazes for tactile graphics machine are included!

4 students in a classroom setting editing documents using computers with screen readers and magnification software. Digital Transitions #3: Editing Tech Skills & Activities

large brown egg in a nest. Text: "Egg Idioms" and speech bubble with "Nest Egg". Egg Idioms: Tech Activities

Plastic eggs each with a printed word family with a bunny Easter basket in the background. Egg Word Families

Photo of Elf in a Zoom Meeting - sitting on a desk in front of a keyboard with his image on the computer monitor. Elf Activities: Bringing People Together! (Includes Elf poem and writing prompts)

Elf sitting in an open microwave with popped popcorn spilling out and text, "Elf Activities: Image Descriptions" Elf Activities: Image Descriptions (Includes how to add image description to an iOS or Android phone/tablet)

2 Fireflies in a glass jar. Firefly Activities: Science and Literacy

Cover of the First Day of Preschool book.First Day of Preschool ePub Book post

Five snowman in a row. Five Little . . . repetitive text for emerging readers and beyond!

Image of document divided into Cold-Blooded Animals and Warm-Blooded Animals with pictures of various animals in each category. Google Docs Table Activity: Warm/Cold-Blooded Animals

Screenshot from book with Christmas tree and text: The Grinch does not have a tree." and "alphabetic Words: Not, Like and But."  The Grinch and Max: Emerging Reader Digital Book (Alphabet Word Signs: Not, Like and But)

Cartoon images: Ghost, Turkey, and Santa with text, "Reading Comprehension Activities" Gus the Ghost and Thanksgiving Poem: Reading Comprehension Activities

Hey, That's My Monster! book cover Hey, That’s My Monster! Book 2: Note taking and writing

How I Met My Monster books cover How I Met My Monster Book 3: Note taking and writing

Image of Martin Luther King, Jr and an American flag with text, "I have a dream" I Have a Dream: High school literature activities (includes note taking skills)

Cover of the book, I Need My Monster: boy peaking under his bed. I Need My Monster book 1: Note taking

Photo of Parts of Bats original worksheet and photo of bat outline with text, Labeling Images Labeling Images: Part of a Bat Lesson

Smiling leprechaun Lucky Leprechaun Lessons

Colorful head shot of a leprechaun. Lucky Leprechaun Lessons for Littles (includes tactile graphics)

Screenshot of video: Graphic, "The Kindergarten Sight Word Dance Song" and Sight Word Lesson. Kindergarten and First Grade Sight Words Lesson

Image of a sitting monkey. International Monkey Day: December 14th

Blue monster character with 1 eye, two horns and two fangs. Make your own monster: Play dough activity and storytelling

Three cartoon monster characters with text, "Monster: Note Taking Activities" Monster: Note Taking Skills

Image of a devil-like monster and text, "Note Taking Skills: Part 2" Monster: Note Taking Skills Part 2

A large patch of pumpkins each with different painted on expression. Pumpkin Writing Prompts Lesson: Creative Writing

image of the free reading fluency worksheet and text, "Reading Fluency". Reading Fluency Activities: Elementary Students

Picture of the book "That's Not My Bear" book standing up with a brown teddy bear leaning on it. Reading Remotely (includes video story)

Screenshot of Baby Zoo Animals video book displaying elephant page with teacher signing in small window. Remote Instruction: Emerging Reader Who is Deaf-Blind (signed video books, digital books)

Seesaw logo and text, "Remote Instruction" Remote Instruction using SeeSaw for Dual Media Learner (Dragons Love Tacos and Cat-themed stories)

Black and white image of a lion Safari Animal Sounds: ePub and Tactile Graphic Activities

Image of Snow Globe Family book cover and text, "Tech Skills: Navigate, Cut and Paste" Snow Globe Shake-Up: Tech Skills (Cut and Paste) Language Arts lesson with squencing the story plot and tech commands for navigating, selecting, copy/cut and paste)

Cartoon image of a snowman with text, "Snowman Activities: Hands-on, Comprehension and Tech" Snowman Activities (includes reading commands, comprehension activities, and tech skills)

Snowman Snowman, Snowman, What Do You See?

Image with simple cartoon dog and firetruck with text, "Spatial Concept Activities" Spatial Concepts/prepositions Procreate App 2: Activities, Worksheets and Books post

Solid black spider Spider Activities Part 2

The Mitten book by Jan Brett Cover The Mitten: Comparing, writing and tech skills (tables and spreadsheets)

Photo of Kid President, 10-year old boy dressed in a suit sitting in front of a presidential seal. The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Note Taking

Realistic 3D model of a snowy owl with his head turned to the side. Tactile Descriptions: Building Language and Concepts

Book Cover of Ten on the Sled by Kim Norman. Ten on the Sled: Action Verbs and ‘ed’ Contractions

Red dump truck on a black background Transportation Sound Book: ePub and Tactile Graphics Activities

Outline of a turkey with text, "Turkey Activities" Turkey Activities: Front and Side View Tactile Graphics post (Includes turkey coloring worksheet, color-by-numbers worksheet, Label the parts of a turkey worksheet, and activities to teach front and side view tactile graphics.)

picture of flying bald eagle versus a tom turkey.Turkey vs. Bald Eagle: Debate Writing (and Note Taking)

Reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh through the starry night and text, "'Twas the Night Before: Comprehension" ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas: Teaching Comprehension (tech skills and language arts)

Variety of candy hearts and text, "Valentine's Day Activities" Valentine’s Day Tech Activities post

3 story red barn drawing with text, "Vermont Farm Lesson: Elementary Student" Vermont Farm Lesson: Elementary Student (includes two books, farm vocabularly words and non-visual digital map)

Two grinning kindergarten students with arms around each other. Well, Brl is My Thing!

Outlined image of a feather. What Am I? Inference Activity

Cartoon image of Santa, Rudolph and sleigh full of presents What if Santa Suddenly Went Blind? (story, reading, writing and tech activities)

Screenshot of Where Do Commas belong? worksheet with fun sentences with missing commas like, "Let's eat Grandma!"  Where Do Commas Belong? Grammar Activity (tech skills: navigation, editing, tables, and more!)

image of waves and sun with text, Seas the day. "Puns: Comprehension Activity" Winter Puns: Comprehension Activity

Screenshot of Word Melodies Home screen with cartoon animals, musical notes and text, "Accessible Emerging Reader App" Word Melodies: Emerging Reading and Writing App

Screenshot of Wordle game with two guesses and text, "Puzzle Game" Wordle: 5 Letter Guessing Game

CVC Wordle game with braille Velcro tiles and symbols; text, "CVC Wordle and how to make Wordle Accessible" Wordle Part 2: Classroom Activities (Includes CVC game,Velcro modifications and how to make Wordle accessible)

Writing and editing with an iPad and braille display: Intro part 1

Scribble lines with colorful crayons and chalk on a black background. Writing with a braille display: Scribbling part 2

Young child using a braille display paired with a tablet. Writing with a braille display: Lists part 3

Braille display with the word "run" and finger pointing to the blinking cursor below the letters U and N. Writing and editing with a braille display: Editing part 4

Cartoon image of two kids in a row boat rowing. Writing and editing with a braille display: Proofreading part 5

Photo of Zoom meeting's magnified chat box on a Chromebook. Zoom-Zoom: How to Magnify Zoom Chat on a Chromebook


Computer screen displaying a math equation with a speaker symbol, representing the equation being announced aloud. Accessibility of common math worksheet formats (Self-advocacy activity demonstrating how a screen reader announces math content incorrectly with various file formats)

Photo of alligator action figure with braille/print "33" card in his mouth and text, "Alligator Crunch!" Alligator Crunch: Missing Number (100’s chart activity)

Sadie intently looking at Counting Numbers app on her iPad. Basic Addition: Lesson and Tips (CVI)

Photo of Sadie intently looking at math app on an iPad with number line. Text, "CVI Math lesson: subtraction" Basic Subtraction – CVI Lesson and Tips

Blindfold TicTacToe logo Blindfold 3D Tic Tac Toe (teaches grids, spatial concepts and mental mapping)

Blindfold Tic Tac Toe Logo Blindfold Tic Tac Toe: Digital Math Grid Game

Screenshot of Braille Math Editor textbox showing 1 3/4=7/4 in Nemeth code and in print. Text:"Braille Math Editor: Nemeth Code" Braille Math Editor: Student Video Tutorial

Colorful candy hearts with written sayings. Candy Heart Math: Estimating, Measuring and Graphing

Image of a bar chart and a pie chart with the text, "Charts and Graphs Skills" Charts and Graphs Skills Review (print, tactile and digital chart and graphs activities)

photo of student's hands on a computer display an Accelerated chart and text, "Choosing a Habitable Planet" Choosing a Habitable Planet: Data Analysis Activity (accessible charts and graphs, science)

Design made out of colorful popsicles. Create Matching Symmetrical Shapes Activity: Popsicle Math

6 colorful shapes with text, "Creating Tactile Shape Worksheets" Creating Tactile Graphics Images Part 5: Shapes Directions on how to create accessible shape worksheets for a tactile graphics machine and shape-related teaching activities, positional terms, and concepts such as big/little. Includes numerous downloadable shape worksheets!

Second grade boy wearing a mask learning over a computer listening to audio graphs. Text, "Demos: Audio Graphs" Desmos Audio Tracing: Introducing Sonified Graphs

Scatter plot with line of best fit, vector image Desmos: Create a scatter plot with JAWS (includes flip the classroom and 4 C’s)

A Coordinte Grid template with the Origin (0) in the bottom left corner and both the x and y-axis going from 0 - 6. Digital Transitions #2: Math Grid Activities

Screenshot of an accessible lear bar chart in the Pages app. Digital Transitions #4: Bar Charts (Fall Leaf Activity) (contains tactile and digital bar chart activities; pair with Simple Bar Chart post below)

Bar chart showing number of leaves by species Activity: Create and Share a Simple Bar Chart (SAS Graphics Accelerator: this post is paired with the Fall Leaf Activity post above)

icon ginger bread man Gingerbread Man Activities: Tactile Skills (counting & subitizing)

Unhappy gingerbread man with right arm and right leg bitten off. Gingerbread Man First Bite Chart Activities (tactile chart progressing to accessible table and digital charts in pages)

Tactile Graphic Halloween Suduko with bats, ghosts, pumpkins and gum drops and text, "Halloween Suduko: Tactile" Halloween Suduko Part 2: Tactile Graphics (Fun way to practice rows and columns, logical thinking, tactile graphics skills and more!)

6 green presents plus 3 yellow presents Holiday word problem visualizations: Math “drawings” using a brailler

graphing activity using two ice cube trays and counting bears in two columns along with associated questions. Ice Cube Tray Math Activities: Great than and Graphing

photo of iOS Positions in Table game with Wikki Stix outline of table and text, Accessible Digital Tables" Introducing Accessible Digital Grid and Table

Ish book cover with an illustration of a child running with a paintbrush and text: Peter H Reynolds “Ish” book: Drawing, estimating and digital table activities post

Screenshot of iPhone phone app displaying a numpad and text, "Numpad Layout" Learning Numeric Keypad Layout: Activities

Little girl leaning over and counting wrapped candies on the floor and text, "Math Apps Summary Post for K-3rd Grade" Math Apps Summary Post for Students K-3rd Grade (includes teaching digital math tech skills)

Image of a computer showing numerous math equations and text, "Math by Ear: Intro" Math by Ear: Introduction

Image of a computer screen with numerous math equations and text, "Math by Ear: Negative Numbers" Math by Ear: Add and Subtract Negative Numbers (video lesson)

Photos of Print Math Calendar and PIAF-ready Math calendar with text, "PIAF: Number Corner math calendar" Math Calendar (Number Corner)

Dice with text, "Math Games". Math Games and Activities for Home for Students with Visual Impairments

A triangle being drawn with a pencil and ruler. Math shapes: Classification and drawing of shapes (Geometry series part 2)

APH's new Memory Puzzle: Shapes kit. Heart puzzle piece with other puzzle pieces in the background. Math shapes: Introducing APH Memory Puzzles (Geometry series Part 3)

Colorful triangle, square, circle and hexagon shapes. Math shapes: Marshmallows and toothpicks activity! (Geometry series part 1)

Screenshot of Math Worksheet: Missing Factor. First equation is 10 = 5x (solve for x). Math Worksheet: Missing Factor (solve for X) accessible web page

Screenshot of Math worksheet: Multiple by 10. First equation is 12 x 10 = Math Worksheet: Multiply by 10 (accessible web page)

Screenshot of math Worksheet: Multiple and Divide by 10, 100, and 1,000. First equation is 54,000 x 10 =  Math Worksheet: Multiple and Divide by 10, 100, and 1,000 (accessible web page)

screenshot of math worksheet: Multiplying Fractions. First equation is 1/4 x 1/2 = Math Worksheet: Multiplying Fractions (accessible web page)

Screenshot of Math Worksheet: Add fractions with unlike units. First equation is 1/2 + 1/3 =. Math Worksheet: Add fractions with unlike units (accessible web page)

Screenshot of Math Worksheet: Subtracting Decimals. 2nd equation is 5.9 - 1 = Math Worksheet: Subtracting Decimals (accessible web page)

APH flashcard with NaviLens tag and text, "Super Flashcards and NaviLens Activity" Multiplication Super Flashcards and NaviLens Activity

Screenshot of Move to Measure app showing ruler, protractor, settings and help. Measuring Tools: Using Traditional and Digital Tools & Activities (blocks, rules, protractors, apps)

Pie chart: Favorite Fruit Picture Smart AI for JAWS: Making Charts and Graphs Accessible!

Photo of shape same and different in a row worksheet with a given shape then two shape options. Same and Different Worksheets (Creating Tactile Graphics Images Part 8) (Multiple same and different worksheets provided for low vision students or tactile students to be used with a tactile graphics machine)

Coloring page image of a dice with 6 circles in a 2x3 array.

Subitizing Using Dice Activity

Square with dotted lines showing 4 different lines of symmetry. Symmetry Activities: Math

Tactile graphic of Math Robot screen with braille beside the app with text, "Tactile to Digital: Math Robot" Tactile to Digital Part 1: Math Robot

Tactile graphic of Math Melodies Add and Delete screen with text, "Tactile to Digital: Math Melodies"Tactile to Digital Part 2: Math Melodies

Fiinger dragging across a tactile table overlay on the iOS game, Absolute Positions; text, "Tactile Overlay for a Digital Table" Tactile to Digital Part 4: Positions in a Table

Photos of tactile overly and addition app with carrying and text, "Tactile to Digital: Addition and Subtraction" Tactile to Digital Part 5: Addition and Subtraction

Photo of Sadie looking at math app on an iPad with number line. Text, "Number Line Lesson: CVI" Teaching the Number Line – Lesson and Tips (CVI)

Line graph with a picture of a car. Thanksgiving Car Travel Trends activity: Desmos line graph (Part 3: Independent practice)

Line chart with red and blue lines and black airplane flying above the lines. Thanksgiving Travel Trends activity: Math and Desmos line graph (Part 2: Applying skills)

Line graph with two lines and a calendar. Thanksgiving Travel Trends activity: Desmos line graphs part 4 (Creating line graphs from tables in Word and creating line graphs with three lines)

Coordinate plane with a dotted line to an X at a treasure chest. Trash or Treasure: Grid Coordinates activity

Colorful sound waves with text, "Sonification: Sounds with Meaning" Sonification: Sounds with Meaning Activity (auditory charts and graphs)

Screenshot of CodeQuest app, with a path through 3x5 maze and text, "Teaching CodeQuest" Teaching CodeQuest App to Students Who Are Visually Impaired (coding concept game which also teaches grids and O&M concepts)

First grade student with two hands counting out squares and moving a ladybug object to the desired number line 10-frame square. Teaching Number Line Math Skills: Part 1 (basic number line concepts & tactile activities)

Logan's hands on a tactile number line with a braille math worksheet beside him. Teaching Number Line Math Skills: Part 2 (addition and subtraction using a number line)

Screenshot of Cosmic Numbers level 1: Astronaut Tommy is on #1 of the Number Line with text, "Cosmic Numbers App" Teaching Number Line Math Skills: Part 3 (accessible number line app)

Photo of Logan's hands on a long number line and text, "Number Lines: Part 4 Teaching Number Line Math Skills:  Part 4 (applying number line skills)

Image of the graphed y = sin(x) equation Understanding Desmos: Sonification Lessons

A line graph with red and blue data points and two lines. Using a data table to create a line graph Desmos

colorful math symbols: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Valentine’s Day Word Problems and Desmos Scientific Calculator

A whole watermelon and a watermelon slice. Watermelon-Related Activities (includes counting to 10)

Social studies/history

Photo of Union Square with statue instate in the foreground and high-rise buildings in the background. Text, "NYC Maps" NY Maps: Union Square and Washington Square Park (history and accessible park maps)

Image of Silhouette Santa and Sleigh in front of a full moon with text, "Santa's Sleigh Ride" Santa’s Sleigh Ride: Geography and Map Activities

Colorful US map with states and capital labeled and text, "Accessible State Capitals lesson" State Capitals Lesson: Non-Visual Digital Maps

picture of flying bald eagle versus a tom turkey.Turkey vs. Bald Eagle: Debate Writing (and Note Taking)

Map of with a magnifying glass over Ukraine. Maps of Russia-Ukraine Conflict

photo of Pittsboro courthouse and text, "John's O&M Lesson #4" John’s O&M Lesson 4: Analyzing Map Data (draw conclusions about city growth)

Image of 6 NC lighthouses and text, "Lighthouse lesson" North Carolina Lighthouse Lesson: Elementary School

US flag with 13 starts and text, "13 Colonies Lesson"13 Colonies Lesson (includes non-visual digital map)

Photo of End of Trail Statue: starved and exhausted horse and Indian rider with heads down Trail of Tears Lesson (Trail of Tears information and non-visual digital map)


Two high school students smiling and wearing sunglasses with a large puzzle piece with a wavy line in front of them Accessible Astronomy: A Tactile Electromagnetic Spectrum

Cartoon caterpillar on a half eaten leaf reading a book. Butterflies part 1: Caterpillars

Butterfly life cycle Butterflies part 2: Butterfly life cycle

laptop with finger pointing to the YouTube video play button. Butterflies part 3: Note taking from videos

Monarch butterfly Butterflies part 4: Books and writing activities

Candy corns Candy corn science experiment

photo of student's hands on a computer display an Accelerated chart and text, "Choosing a Habitable Planet" Choosing a Habitable Planet: Data Analysis Activity (accessible charts and graphs, science)

4 year old boy with his hands on Colby, the Code and Go Robot Mouse, as he codes the mouse's route. Code and Go Robot Mouse Activities and APH Tactile Graphics

Photo of Sphero ball and text, "Coding Club Activity" Coding Club Activity: SAS CodeSnaps and Sphero Robot (CodeSnaps Part 1)

Code Blocks sequence for Course 1, with CodeSnaps app on iPad, Sphero ball and text, "CodeSnaps #2" CodeSnaps Activity Part 2

Photo of 3 cups stacked in pyramid formation, tactile coding card, arrows depicting code, & tactile code guide. Unplugged Coding Coding Unplugged: My Robotic Friends Activity

Black and yellow caterpillar hanging upside down while munching on a leaf. Efficiently navigating a document or textbook for class

2 Fireflies in a glass jar. Firefly Activities: Science and Literacy

Gingerbread man in the OctoStudio app. Gingerbread Man Coding activity (OctoStudio app)

Colorful swirled large lollipop Lollipop Garden Activities (Grow lollipops from jellybean seeds, parts of a flower, slide presentation or digital book)

Screenshot of Move to Measure app showing ruler, protractor, settings and help. Measuring Tools: Using Traditional and Digital Tools & Activities (Blocks, rules, protractors, apps)

White star with quick, small wavelengths and big red star with slow, big wave lengths: text, "Asterosiesmology." Musical Fingerprints of Wobbly Stars (astronomy lesson with sonification)

Photo of Small City CodeSnaps course with text, "Psyched for STEAM" Pysched for STEAM: Coding Activities

Photo of Tim Fahlberg in a science classroom with a tactile hidden object box and 2 tactile grid platforms with cubes. Seeing the Unseen: Glas Education (Probes)

images of Sphero, Code & Go Mouse, Botley, and three arrow cards with the text, "Coding Concepts" Sequencing Coding Concept Activities

Pictures of tactile spider, spider life cycle, and spider crafts (Play-Doh spider & spider web) and text, "Spider Activities!" Spider Activities (includes Spider Lifecycle, technology activities, spider concepts, tactile graphics, poems, recommended books and spider-related crafts that build concepts)

Screenshot of CodeQuest app, with a path through 3x5 maze and text, "Teaching CodeQuest" Teaching CodeQuest App to Students Who Are Visually Impaired (coding concept game which also teaches grids and O&M concepts)

Camper using a large eye-dropper tool to create a slide under a hood. Tech time-Out #3 Accessing Labs: Engineering Camp 2016

Makey Makey logo Makey Makey: STEM Activities and Lesson Plans


Concept development

Blindfold Bowling logo and text, "spatial Concepts" Blindfold Bowling: iOS Spatial Concepts Apps (spatial concept activities)

Red and white striped candy cane Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt

Jack-o'-lantern coloring page with shapes for eyes and nose. Color-by-shape pumpkin

Photo of Victor sitting in a car drawing a campus map using the Sensational BlackBoard tactile drawing tool.Concept Development: Drawing (Sensational Blackboard)

Image of 3 year old Victor with procane by large red cement Target ball and Victor college freshman sitting on campus.  Concept Development: Putting ORIENTATION back into O&M

Photo of dolphin "stay between the lines" maze and text, "Creating Tactile Graphic Mazes" Creating Tactile Graphics Images Part 4: Maze Worksheets Discusses the importance of daily classroom worksheets to develop tactile graphics skills, concepts about objects/animals, and logical thinking with these Finger Maze Activities. Downloadable mazes for tactile graphics machine are included!

Image of a carved pumpkin tactile graphic and text, "Pumpkin-themed Worksheets!"  Creating Tactile Graphics Images Part 8: Multiple Pumpkin Worksheets (Concepts include big/little, same/different, matching, counting, color-by-shape, pumpkin concepts and of course building tactile graphics skills!

icon ginger bread man Gingerbread Man Activities: Tactile Skills (counting & subitizing)

Dolphins swimming and a speaker symbol Ocean Animal Sounds Book and Activities

Photo of silicone suction cup toys: bright red with 3 suction cups and orange with one suction cup and bulb.  Squigz: Toy to Promote Improvement of Developmental Skills and Independence (Perfect for developing finger strength necessary for the Perkins Brailler and for making touch screen gestures.

Photo of toddler pressing silicone buttons with index fingers using Dimpl Duo toy. Dimple Duo: Toy to Develop Finger Strength


3-year old boy with a beanie baby stuffed eagle. Bird song book and bird-related activities (O&M trip to pet store)

One lane dirt road through heavily wooded area with sunlight shining through the trees. BlindSquare App and Unique Rural Travel Environments

Materials needed for this O&M Lesson: sidewalk chalk, measuring tape, and 36" long cane. BlindSquare Readiness Lesson: Chalk, Walk and Talk (clock and yards lesson)

Photo of Governor Morehead School sign, established in 1869. Text, "Build a mental map of YOUR school for the blind!" Build a Mental Map of Campus (Create customized non-visual digital map of YOUR school for the blind for students attending summer school or events)

Red and white striped candy cane Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt

Music staff with notes and long cane. Cane Songs

Kindergarten students talking about White Cane Day. Celebrating White Cane Day!

Photo of Cody, a high school student with multiple disabilities, standing at the front door of Sheetz Gas Station. Cody Went to Sheetz: iBook (self-familiarization O&M technique, mapping, book)

Student using an iPhone in front of a QR code.  BlindSquare on the iPhone is reading the QR code. Community QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Picture of a slightly open classroom door with a key in the handle Escape Rooms: How Do I Get Out Of Here? Part 2 (O&M)

Photo of Victor sitting in a car drawing a campus map using the Sensational BlackBoard tactile drawing tool.Concept Development: Drawing (Sensational Blackboard)

Smiling 4 year old with precane bumped up to Red Cement Ball at Target. Text, "Own your Real Estate!" Concept Development: Own Your Own Real Estate

Image of 3 year old Victor with procane by large red cement Target ball and Victor college freshman sitting on campus.  Concept Development: Putting ORIENTATION back into O&M

Image of Earth from space and text, "Google Earth O&M lesson" Google Earth O&M Lesson

Image of Pittsboro's Historic courthouse with text, " John's O&M Lesson #1" John’s O&M Lesson 1: Non-Visual Digital Maps for Elementary Student (map software commands, general orientation to downtown area streets and landmarks)

Photo of Pittsboro Historic Courthouse and text, "John's O&M Lesson #2" John’s O&M Lesson 2: Learn About Streets (city street layout and numbering/naming systems)

Photo of Pittsboro courthouse and text, "John's O&M Lesson #3" John’s O&M Lesson 3: Whole-to-Part Mental Map (Big picture mental map using boundary roads)

photo of Pittsboro courthouse and text, "John's O&M Lesson #4" John’s O&M Lesson 4: Analyzing Map Data (draw conclusions about city growth)

Photo of Pittsboro courthouse and text, "John's O&M (and Social Studies!) Lesson #5" John’s O&M Lesson 5: 3 Types of Communities (Urban, suburban and rural)

Image of Pittsboro's historic courthouse and text, "John's O&M lesson #6: Road Numbering Systems" John’s O&M Lesson 6: Road Numbering Systems (interstates & highways)

Woman going through airport metal detector with guide dog in sit-stay; text, "Airport O&M Activities" Learning About Airport/Airport Travel: O&M Activities

Screenshot of iPhone phone app displaying a numpad and text, "Numpad Layout" Learning Numeric Keypad Layout: Activities

kindergarten student exploring a tactile store map with an O&M Map Concept: To Turn or Not To Turn

Moore Square Map with sonified street highlighted and text, "Map Explore: Digital Maps with Sonified Streets!" Map Explore: Sneak Peak at a New O&M Game

Screenshot of an accessible digital map and text, "Map Explore: Part 1" Map Explore: Using Customized Maps (Demonstrates using a custom map of a student’s neighborhood and school.)

Screenshot of digital Google map with customized pins with text: Map Explore: Part 2 Map Explore: Using Customized Questions (Demonstrates using the map to answer customized questions about the student’s neighborhood and school.)

Cover of Monocular Mac written by Anne Corn and Pictures by Diane Dawson. Illustration of a boy looking through a monocular. Monocular Mac: Free Children’s Book

Little girl running on a sidewalk with her cane. My Cane: A Preschooler’s Book

US Map showing I-90 and text, "Interstate Numbering system & Trip Activities" O&M Activity: The Interstate’s Forgotten Code

screenshot of BlindSquare home screen with the Tool bar, my places, and shared places. O&M Lesson Using BlindSquare with VoiceOver

Photo of a student's feet and cane traveling on a school sidewalk. O&M Lesson: Teaching Distance Estimates using BlindSquare

hands passing wrapped gifts reaching out from an iPhone to a woman, vector image Online Holiday Shopping: Tech Activity

Photo of four different bags of chips and dips and text, "National Chip and Dip Day!" National Chip and Dip Day: O&M Activity (March 23rd is National Chip and Dip Day!)

Satellite view of Pittsboro Historic Courthouse circle with text, "Map Lessons: Getting Started" Pittsboro Map Lesson: Getting Started

Toy car on top of a print map. Road Rally: O&M Navigation Activity

3 smiling O&Ms in rain gear learning to use the BlindSquare navigation app around the Perkins School for the Blind campus. Sharing Secret Locations Lesson: BlindSquare Lesson Plan

Snowman picture with QR code mounted below. Snowman QR Codes: O&M Lesson

Screenshot of Notes app:  Steps for Riding the Bus checklist Steps for Riding a Bus

Screenshot of CodeQuest app, with a path through 3x5 maze and text, "Teaching CodeQuest" Teaching CodeQuest App to Students Who Are Visually Impaired (coding concept game which also teaches grids and O&M concepts)

Bailey, a white plush whale and Dory, a blue plastic fish. Teaching Echolocation Skills: O&M Activities

4 year old dressed as a cow walking with cane and 5 year old dressed as a witch, with text, "Trick-or-treat Orientation Activity Trick-or-Treat Orientation Activity

Screenshot of Temple Explorer with character standing at a crossroad inside the temple. Text, "Temple Explorer: O&M Game" Using Temple Explorer: A New Directionality O&M Game

Compass rose with N, S, E, W labeled. Use of BlindSquare to Teach Compass Directions

Screenshot of BlindSquare app's home page with categories of destinations. Using Blindsquare Simulation Mode to Create Tactile/Visual Maps (directions, distance and maps activities)

Client standing in covered entry way holding an iPhone open to the My Places BlindSquare screen. Using BlindSquare to Develop a Mental Map of Environment Using Tracing Apps: Part 2 (tracing apps and physical scanning activities for O&M purposes)

Image of 3 story red barn and text, "Farm Maps: High School" Vermont Farm: Drawing Conclusions from an O&M Map (non-visual digital map)

Kindergarten student walking on a sidewalk using a white cane and text, "White Cane Day!" White Cane Day! (white cane poem)

White Cane Day Bulletin Board and Activities

Cartoon drawing of two homes, street, sidewalk and parked bicycle. Whittier Falls Housing Development Map and “Circle” Concepts (includes non-visual digital map to teach shapes of various roads)


Cover page of Ocean Animals ePub with swimming dolphin, red speaker icon and text, "CVI-friendly ePub and PDF" Adapted Ocean Animal book for Student with CVI (includes video lesson and downloadable books)

Sadie intently looking at Counting Numbers app on her iPad. Basic Addition: Lesson and Tips (CVI)

Photo of Sadie intently looking at math app on an iPad with number line. Text, "CVI Math lesson: subtraction" Basic Subtraction – CVI Lesson and Tips

Photo of individual sight words flashcards on a ring with  text, "CVI Lessons: Sight Words" Beginning Readers – Sight Words: Lesson, Activities, Tips (CVI)

Screenshot of CVI-Friendly Chicka Chicka Boom Boom video with outlined A, B, C and palm tree. CVI-Friendly Videos: Resources for Students with CVI

Photo of abstract art and text, "Abstract Art Lesson: CVI" Introducing Abstract Art Lesson: CVI

Index finger on a Bluetooth keyboard with iPad open to keyboarding app. Text: "Introducing the Keyboard: CVI" Introducing the Keyboard – CVI Lesson and Tips

Photo of Sadie looking at math app on an iPad with number line. Text, "Number Line Lesson: CVI" Teaching the Number Line – Lesson and Tips (CVI)

Photo of Sadie with hands on the hour and minutes clock hands and text, "Teaching Time: CVI" Teaching Time: CVI

Students with multiple disabilities

Using laminated symbols, students learn to select the app the want to play.  Choice Making Activities with Switch Apps

Pizza Hut, Domino's, KFC, McDonald's, Burger King and Subway logos Cody Learning Life Skills Through Technology

Student using technology for digital literacy activities: social media, Internet search, reading, calendar, etc. Digital Literacy for Students with Multiple Disabilities


Computer screen displaying a math equation with a speaker symbol, representing the equation being announced aloud. Accessibility of common math worksheet formats (Self-advocacy activity demonstrating how a screen reader announces math content incorrectly with various file formats)

Looking down image of a circle of kids with hands stacked on top of each other. Back to School Activity: Autograph Scavenger Hunt

Battle of the Tools Abacus vs. Paper cover page Battle of the Tools (self-advocacy)

Picture of Alexis holding a framed certificate from the training along with very large finger print samples, etc. Exploring Forensic Science: Self-Advocacy Activity

Students viewing a professor lecturing with PPT Engineering slide in the background. Tech Time-Out #1 Accessing PowerPoint Presentations: Engineering Camp 2016 (self-advocacy for accessibility)


Stack of yearbooks; top yearbook has an image of an eagle with text, "Eagles" Accessible Yearbooks

1000 Hours Outside Logo 1000 Hours Outside

Picture of an open classroom door with a key in the handle and text, "Escape Rooms: How do I get out of here? Part 1" Escape Rooms: How Do I Get Out of Here? Part 1

cartoon blue hand with green germ characters and text, "Hand Washing & Germs" Explaining Hand Washing and Germs to Young Students (videos/songs and activity)

Clay fingerprints viewed through a hand-held magnifier Fingerprinting Forensic Science and Magnifiers: Magnification Activity

Hide and Peep logo: Cartoon yellow chick peeping behind an overturned pot. Hide and Peep App: Visual Scanning App

Image of cartoon man with headphones and hand raised playing a game on the computer and text, "Games Played on Zoom" Six Cool Games That Can Be Played on Zoom

Cartoon man with raised hand looking at computer at text, "Games Played on Zoom: VI Twist" More Cool Games That Can Be Played On Zoom Part 2: VI Twist

Various tactile stickers: Tactile hearts, I Love You, cat, and text, "Tactile Stickers for Valentine's Day Cards" Tactile Stickers for Valentine’s Day Cards Activity

Outline of cartoon person running to the door and text, "Virtual Escape Rooms" Virtual Escape Rooms


Forms and resources for teachers

Cartoon image of woman standing in front of a blackboard with "CVI Gen Ed Presentation" CVI Presentation for Classroom Teachers (PowerPoint intro to CVI presentation for gen ed staff that can be used and modified to fit your student’s unique needs.)

Two stacks of paperwork with text, "O&M Forms & Handouts" O&M Forms and Handouts that Make YOUR job easier!

Photo of Tactile Test page and text, "Determine your student's tactile preferences" Students Tactile Preferences for PIAF/Swell Machine Graphics


Crowd-sourced lesson library

3 story red barn drawing with text

Vermont Farm Lesson: Elementary Student

Cartoon turkey

Screen reader tech activities: Thanksgiving lesson plan