
Layla: 4 Year Old Learning VoiceOver and Braille Video

Video of a blind preschooler and her first three accessible apps.

This summary video follows a four year old student as she is learning to use an iPad, VoiceOver gestures and a refreshable braille display.  This 9 minute video begins in September with Layla being introduced to an iPad using VoiceOver gestures and ends in January with Layla reading and writing braille using an iPad paired with a refreshable braille display.  For information about the three apps Layla uses in this video, go to “Layla’s Three Preschool Apps Video” post.


More posts about Layla:

 By Diane Brauner

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Introducing iPad VoiceOver Accessibility to young children with visual impairments

Attached File(s)
By Diane Brauner

Image of a adorable four year old using iPad and refreshable braille display.

Layla’s Three Preschool Apps Video

child using refreshable braille display

Refreshable Braille Display Commands for the Emerging Braille Reader: R Chord & P Chord

Young girl with pig-tails intently pressing a chord command on her braille display.

More Braille Display Chords for the Young Student: Layla