hands on a laptop keyboard with screen displaying

How to use JAWS Braille Math Editor

Learn how your braille student can access and complete math assignments using the JAWS Braille Math Editor and a braille display!

Once an accessible math worksheet has been created using Microsoft Word and Equation Editor (see “Resources on how to create accessible math” at the bottom of this post), now your student is ready to complete the assignment using JAWS Braille Math Editor and a refreshable braille display. The Braille Math Editor is part of both JAWS and Fusion software applications and currently enables students to access and complete the math equations in Nemeth braille and UEB braille code using a refreshable braille. (The Braille Math Editor began supporting UEB braille in July 2024.)

Braille Math Editor requirements

JAWS: Braille Math Viewer and Braille Math Editor

The JAWS math software is referred Braille Math Editor (BME) even though there are two ways to interact with the equation. JAWS users can access math equations as Braille Math Viewer or Braille Math Editor. JAWS will announce the mathematical expressions correctly.

Braille Math Viewer

The Braille Math Viewer is a read only view; the equation or formula cannot be accidently edited. The Braille Math Viewer enables the student to be able to explore all the parts of the equation and to navigate through partial expression within the equation. This enables the student to explore the expression in detail and at a speed in which the student can absorb the information. Students can listen as JAWS announces the equation and can read the equation in Nemeth braille on a refreshable braille display.

When a student encounters a math equation or formula in a Word document, JAWS will read the equation and then announce, “Math content”.

Braille Math Viewer Commands

Layered key command

Most JAWS commands are a single command, which means one or more keys are pressed simultaneously. Example: Control + C is one command to produce the action to “copy”. To open the Braille Math Viewer or the Braille Math Editor, you must use a “layered key command” – two sperate commands are required to produce one action. To open the Braille Math Viewer, press the layered key command, Insert + Space followed by Equals.

Braille Math Editor

The Braille Math Editor is used by students to input their own equations and in Office 365, to edit existing equations in Word documents. Students use the Braille Math Editor to complete math problems and assignments.

Editing or completing the math problem

When a student encounters a math equation or formula in a Word document, JAWS will read the equation and then announce, “Math content”. To open the Braille Math Editor, press Insert + Space followed by Shift + Equals. Listen carefully to the equation.

Note: Students who use a Focus braille display can also press dots 3+4+6+7+ space to open the Braille Math Editor.

When the Braille Math Editor opens, the focus is placed into an edit text field. The computer screen will display simulated braille dots with the visual print equation below. The braille display will show the equation in Nemeth braille. 

Place the cursor in the desired location; many math problems will have the equals sign at the end of the expression followed by the inputted answer. In this scenario, navigate to the end of the document and left arrow once so that JAWS announces “Equals”. Use 6 key braille entry on the braille display. When done entering the answer, press Enter. Pressing Enter will close the edit text field and the answer will be inserted into the document. The answer is also copied into the clipboard so that it can be pasted into other applications.

Note: After inserting or modifying an equation in Word from the Math Editor, the blinking cursor (dots 7 and 8) on the braille display always remains at the beginning of the math content, even as you move by character with the Left and Right Arrows. If you need to insert another line of math content, first press the Endkey to move to the end of the current math content and then press Enter. 

JAWS Math Viewer and Editor Demo YouTube video by Neal and Eli, posted on CATT-NW YouTube channel (video demonstrates Nemeth braille code):

The next video demonstrates how to set JAWS to UEB braille math code and then demonstrates the Braille Math Editor.

Digital UEB Math & Braille Editor in Word with JAWS UEB Mode by Dr. Denise Robinson, Tech Vision

Resources on Braille Math Editor

Resources on how to create accessible math

By Diane Brauner

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Screenshot of Braille Math Editor textbox showing 1 3/4=7/4 in Nemeth code and in print. Text:"Braille Math Editor: Nemeth Code"

Braille Math Editor: Student Video Tutorial

Graphic of an accessible math expression and an editable text box.

Accessible Math Editor: Word

Math worksheet with three order of operations equations including 4 x 3 - 6.

Digitally accessible math worksheets