Image of lines with text: 'Braille Quiz'

How to Give a Spelling Test Using Google Forms, Sheets and Flubaroo!

Modify this to create braille letter/braille contractions tests?

Tech savvy classroom teachers in the 21st Century are using Google Forms, Sheets and Flubaroo (add-on) to create, grade and tests, including weekly spelling tests. Two Boys and a Dad has created a simple step-by-step post – with screenshots – for mainstream classroom teachers. (Learn how to create these spelling, recording and grading forms here.)

Classroom teachers: When created correctly, Google Forms is accessible for students who rely on screen readers. Learn how to create accessible  Google Forms here.

Teachers of the Visually Impaired: Create your own spelling tests using the same forms. Even better, create your own braille letter and/or braille contractions tests! 

Video tutorials on how to use Google Forms with JAWS here.

How else can you use these forms? Please share your ideas!

By Diane Brauner

Google Form Logo

Web Language and Terms while using a Screen Reader (Focus on Google Forms)

Screenshot of Google Form with cartoon and two accessible multiple choice questions.

Google Forms

Screenshot of Google Docs with focus on dictation button and text

Educational Example of Using Speech to Text and Dictation