I’m often one of the first people that people at my school meet that has low vision or that lives with a chronic illness. While there are several other students that have vision loss or that live with other invisible disabilities, I have chosen to become a prominent advocate and be open about my disability experience in order to help others, and often receive questions from new friends about my own experiences or if there is anything they need to do to make communication or hanging out easier. Here is how I talk about disability with new friends or in casual environments with people in my age group.
While I do know some people who are uncomfortable using the word disabled or disability to describe themselves or their condition, I am not and actually prefer to have people use the word “disability” over other terms such as handicap, differently abled or similar. I also have no preference for person-first vs identity-first language, and show this to new friends by using these terms when describing myself or talking in general. Most people pick up that I am using these terms or phrases in conversation and in turn are less afraid to use them themselves.
When meeting a new friend, I am less likely to correct words or phrases that they use to describe disability unless they are wrong or are making an incorrect assumption that could be a problem later on. For example, if someone repeatedly refers to me as blind, I will correct them and say that I actually have low vision or am legally blind with glasses. I have no problem with the word blind in general, but because it can lead to the assumption that I have no usable vision, I will correct people so that they aren’t confused later.
When I first met one of my friends, they were surprised that I was able to send and receive text messages, as they assumed that I couldn’t read them with low vision. Since this is a question that comes up somewhat frequently, I have a standard response about how I can enlarge text on my phone or have texts read out loud, so I can read and write text messages with no problem. I try to keep these explanations brief, maybe 10-15 seconds long.
Some other examples of questions that commonly come up when I meet new friends include:
Since I run a public website on low vision and assistive technology, I’m happy to answer any additional questions that people might have about specific assistive technology, though some of my other friends will tell people to look up answers to their questions online. Both are valid responses.
I avoid using phrases that make disability or chronic illness sound miserable or tragic and reserve detailed explanations about my disability or other conditions for settings where they are important, like a doctor’s office or when working with vision professionals. When a new friend asks what disability I have, or how much I can see, a short explanation (less than 15 seconds) is enough in casual settings unless someone asks more detailed questions.
Some examples of explanations I have used include:
People are more likely to ask me about more “visible” conditions in casual conversation since these are more noticeable and it’s likely that someone will have seen me walking around somewhere with my blindness cane before we started talking. I typically do not bring these things up on my own unless it is relevant to the conversation, however there are some instances where I need to proactively disclose a disability, chronic illness or other condition for safety reasons – as in, if I don’t mention this, I could end up triggering a flare or having a medical emergency.
Some examples of situations where I will proactively disclose information include:
In these situations, I’ve disclosed information in the following ways:
While I consider myself a fairly independent person, there are times where I need to ask new friends for help with doing something. I’ve discovered that giving specific instructions or ideas is best, as I don’t want to leave room for people to make assumptions. Some ways I’ve requested assistance include:
Conversely, there may be times where new friends might assume I am less independent or need help in situations where I actually don’t. While these situations can be frustrating, I try my best to respond with politeness and/or gentle correction. This can look like:
I don’t mind talking about my disability or chronic illness, but there are often much more interesting things to talk about when getting to know someone, so it helps to know a few different ways to change the subject. This can include:
By Veronica Lewis/Veronica With Four Eyes, www.veroniiiica.com
Updated August 2024; original post published April 2018.
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