One of my all-time favorite tools for reading digital content with low vision is a simplified reading display, which applies a consistent font size, font style and background color to digital text. This makes it easier to read content without having to zoom in on a page, edit content or enabling other accessibility settings, and makes it easy for users to simplify reading with technology. Here are my tips for using simplified reading displays with low vision, and a list of popular simplified reading tools that can be used for low vision.
Searching for a simplified reading display for low vision? It may be referred to by one of the following names:
Almost all simplified reading displays offer the following options for customizing content for low vision and print disabilities:
Simplified reading displays can be enabled within the web browser, as an add-in for another application, or accessed in a separate application/website.
Immersive Reader is a built-in tool for several Microsoft applications, including the Edge web browser, Word, OneNote, Outlook, Office Lens and others. Immersive Reader offers several customization options and features that go beyond the typical simplified reading display, including:
The exact location of Immersive Reader varies between applications, but the features are the same. While Immersive Reader will remember user settings within an application, it does not sync between applications – so if I change a setting in Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge, it won’t affect my settings in Outlook.
Immersive Reader can be accessed using the following methods:
Reading View offers more minimalist features compared to other simplified reading displays, but is an amazing tool for the Safari web browser as it can simplify pages for an improved reading experience. Some unique features with Reading View include:
To enable Reading View in Safari, select the Reading View icon in the address bar, which looks like a lowercase and uppercase A. Long-press on the icon to customize the font size, font, and background color.
Google Chrome has a few extensions for simplified reading displays, as well as a built-in Reader Mode that is accessed from the web browser. As of publishing time, Reader Mode does not work on Chrome’s mobile browser for Android- users will need to install the Reading Mode app if they want to use this feature.
As of publishing time, Reader Mode can be used with Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Fuchsia and Lacros. Languages supported include English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Note: Google Chrome browser extensions can also be enabled in the Microsoft Edge web browser.
Lookout is a free Android application that offers a simplified reading display and text-to-speech capabilities for reading text, including documents and environmental text. Users can customize the text display with numerous options for font types, colors, line height and more.
Snap&Read is another simplified reading display for web browsers and comes highly recommended by the assistive technology specialists at my university. Snap&Read has several unique features for students, including:
Users can test Snap&Read for free, and paid subscriptions are around $4 a month – I received a free account from my university after Disability Services and the assistive technology specialist determined it would be helpful for me.
Helperbird is another popular simplified reading display extension at my university, and has a Reader Mode option that functions in a similar way to a simplified reading display, as well as integration with Microsoft’s Immersive Reader – which means that users have two options for using a simplified reading display. I received a lifetime membership for free after attending an assistive technology conference, but Helperbird has free and paid plans available for various reading features.
Envision is a free visual assistance app for Android and iOS devices that offers a simplified reading display for viewing scanned content or for uploading documents. Envision is known as Envision AI on the Apple/iOS app store, and I’ve written more about it in the post linked below.
I use Pocket to bookmark articles and display them for offline reading on my phone, tablet, computer and other devices – articles are synced across all platforms. Users can add articles to their Pocket account by using a web browser extension, sharing a web page to Pocket on their mobile device or copy/pasting links.
The teleprompter is the original simplified reading display, and works great for displaying text at very large sizes without having it get pixelated or blurry. I usually copy and paste text into a teleprompter app or website and then use the auto-scroll feature to read text as it is displayed on the screen. I found teleprompter apps especially helpful when working on school news, as I could display text on my iPad at a shorter distance.
By Veronica Lewis/Veronica With Four Eyes,
Updated August 2024; original post published March 2018.
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