App logo: Young girl with blond curls holding a cane beside her black dog.

Exploring Braille with Madilyn and Ruff: iOS app

Information about an iOS emerging braille app and how to implement this app with a preschooler.

Exploring Braille with Madilyn and Ruff is a fantastic app created for emerging braille students.  Pairing the iPad with a refreshable braille display enables young students to learn and practice braille reading and writing skills using fun, interactive games.

To view this app in the App store, go to Exploring Braille with Madilyn and Ruff.

To view Hillary’s best practices for using this app video, go to Exploring Braille Best Practices.

To view a Paths to Technology post that explains three apps used by a blind preschooler, go to Layla’s 3 Preschool Apps.

To view a Paths to Technology post that includes a video of a preschooler learning to use the iPad and refreshable braille display, go to Layla: Learning VoiceOver and Braille video.

By Diane Brauner

child using refreshable braille display

Refreshable Braille Display Commands for the Emerging Braille Reader: R Chord & P Chord

small white 20-cell braille display with black keys; up and down arrows on both sides of the braille

Braille Me: new refreshable braille display

Photo of Braille Beetle and text

So Many Braille Displays, Which One is Right for My Student? Part Four