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Navigating the IEP process

Angela Gowans, education advocate, discusses components of the IEP and advice on how to advocate for your child's needs

CVI and the IEP process

CVI Now hosted a live virtual event on navigating the IEP process, held on April 2, 2021. Angela Gowans, an education advocate who has worked with many families of children with CVI, presented and answered parent questions about:

CVI parents are on a tough journey raising their child in a society that is not accessible. There is a lot of uncertainty, stress, grief, pain, and exhaustion. We have a lot to figure out for our kids. We want them to thrive, be happy, and find their joy and potential. But one of the hardest things that we have to do is navigate the IEP process. We want educational teams who understand the primacy of parents and who want to figure out alongside us how best to teach our child. Our kids have a right to effective and accessible educational programs.

Angela Gowans is an education advocate with New England Educational Advocacy. Since 2005, Angela has worked as an advocate for families with children with disabilities. Over the last 15 years, Angela worked to lobby for educational and healthcare legislation. Angela uses her extensive background in special education law, political lobbying, political negotiating, and communications to help families access services and education.

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