
This micro-credential is awarded to individuals who have completed the Eligibility and IEP Development Self-Paced Tutorial. In this tutorial participants will learn how eligibility for special education is determined, the various components of the IEP, and what is important to be included for a student who is visually impaired with multiple disabilities.


In order to earn this micro-credential, participants will need to demonstrate the ability to demonstrate achievement of the following learning objectives:

Learning Outcomes/Objectives

Participants will:

  1. Determine a student’s eligibility for an IEP
  2. Incorporate evaluation results into the IEP
  3. Identify the IDEA Protections for individuals with sensory impairments
  4. Locate Parents’ Rights information for your local district or region
  5. Describe present level of educational performance
  6. Identify and define measurable goals, objectives, and benchmarks
  7. Analyze service delivery and related services within a student’s IEP
  8. Identify accommodations needed for statewide assessment
  9. Specify progress measurements and reports
  10. Describe the role and input of team members in a specific goals area

How Music Connects to Skills Growth Related to the Expanded Core Curriculum


Learning to Play

A busy street in the Santo Andres municipality of Sao Paolo, Brazil

Why 3 mothers in Brazil decided to get their Perkins International Academy certification