In a classroom, a Perkins educator shows Cyrus a book while he stands in a stander. Both are smiling.

CVI Educator Toolbox: Resources across the disciplines

Educators of students with CVI can find role-specific materials, foster collaboration across disciplines, and tailored tools with the CVI Educators Toolbox.

Welcome to the CVI Now for Educators Toolbox! We know educators supporting students with CVI span a wide range of disciplines and roles, each with their own unique set of needs. That’s why we’ve collaborated with a variety of Perkins staff with extensive knowledge in CVI and other disciplines to create informational tools specific to your communities.

These introductory materials are meant not only to support you, but also support and foster collaboration amongst and across disciplines. It takes a village to provide high quality and accessible education to students with CVI, and every team member deserves to feel equipped with the knowledge to promote student growth and success.

Find a CVI overview specific to your educational role and share with others on your team.

Find more educator resources:

In a lounge area, a Perkins educator stands next to Stella, who sits in her power chair. Both are smiling and showing their hands, which are covered with shaving cream.
Yalissa walks down a sidewalk with a female Perkins staff member.

How do you center CVI in O&M assessments? Strategies for CVI and O&M: Part 3

Nicola, Tina, Dagbjort, and Nai sit at a panelist table at the 2024 CVI Conference, with Rachel G. Bennett moderating.

4 topics expertly addressed by adults with CVI at the 2024 Perkins CVI Conference

A young adult dressed in black with a black cap stands outside with his O&M instructor. They both are smiling holding white canes.

How does O&M address CVI visual behaviors? CVI and O&M: Part 2