
CVI and Social Skills

CVI Now hosted a live virtual event about CVI and social skills, exploring the potential implications of developing and maintaining social skills for people with CVI.

CVI Now hosted a live virtual event about CVI and social skills, exploring the potential implications of developing and maintaining social skills for people with CVI. Burju Sari and Lacey Smith, CVI Coordinators at the CVI Center at Perkins and both CVI parents, discuss the importance of social skill development, how the CVI behaviors act as major barriers to building social skills and peer relationships, and examples of recommendations for providing access to social situations both in school and in the community. 

Download the video transcript and the presentation PDF.

CVI has a profound impact on social skills

Key takeaways from the presentation and discussion:

Keep the learning going

Cyrus works with teacher during speech class and points to picture on a slant board.

Assessing 2D image recognition for students with CVI

Millie turns toward the entrance of the Lower school using a walker.

A guide to O&M program planning for the CVI student. CVI and O&M: Part 4

Yalissa walks down a sidewalk with a female Perkins staff member.

How do you center CVI in O&M assessments? Strategies for CVI and O&M: Part 3