Google Forms Planet worksheet with 2 multiple choice questions

Create Accessible Digital Worksheets and Quizzes: Google Forms

Create your own accessible materials!

Teachers can quickly create accessible worksheets, quizzes and tests using Google Forms. Google forms can be created, shared and completed on PCs, Mac computers, Android tablets and iOS devices. Create Google Forms with multiple choice, short answer, paragraph answers, checkboxes, dropdown, linear scale, multiple choice grid, checkbox grid, date and time answers. Create answer keys to automatically grade most answer types. Images and videos can be added.

Teacher Hint:  On-line assessments have multiple types of questions. Your students – especially those using a screen reader – need to be familiar with these various question types and comfortable navigating and answering these questions! It is important to regularly provide homework assignments, quizzes and tests in similar formats!

Follow these step-by-step directions to creating your own Google Forms!

Google Forms Directions – Computer

Create a New Google Form

Google Drive Screenshot with New Tab and Apps icon annotated.

Creating Questions

Google Forms screenshot with Planets worksheet and Name as first short answer question.

Types of Questions

You can create questions with these formats:

Preview the Form

Google Form screenshot showing picture short answer question and Preview button annotated.

Accessibility – minimize visual clutter

If your student does best with one question per page (to minimize visual clutter), select the “Add Section” icon (last icon underneath the Add icon).  You can give the new section the same title or add a new title, if appropriate.

Add Images

Add Video

Change Order of Questions

Required Answers

Create Answer Key

Note: Paragraph answers must be hand-graded.

Google Forms screenshot: Quizzes page with Settings, Quizzes button, and Make this a Quiz toggle annotated.

Change Header Format Directions

Share A Google Form

Note: Currently, the Google form created on a computer and emailed to an iPad did not go appear in my iPad’s email inbox. However, I could email the form’s URL link and was successful opening the form on the iPad.


As students answer the questions, you can view the responses in ‘real time’ as they come in or view all the responses at a later time.

Google Forms Screenshot: Responses screen with Responses and Summary/Question/Individual buttons annotated.

Google Form Collaboration (with other teachers)


Google Form on iPad

You cannot access Google Forms by going through Google Drive; and, there is NOT a Google Form app! You must go through a web browser!

Follow instructions above (Google Forms Directions – Computer) to create content in Google Forms.

Note:  Currently, when using VoiceOver on the iPad, you cannot select the video to play the video.  (Often, the video will crash Google Forms.) The videos work correctly on the iPad without VoiceOver.

Share this post with educators or share the attached Google Forms Directions.

Collage of creating accessible digital worksheets

Attached File(s)
By Diane Brauner

Math worksheet with three order of operations equations including 4 x 3 - 6.

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