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Cough Drop AAC App

Check out this full-featured communication app!

I have recently been exploring the Cough Drop AAC app, available on Android and iOS, for several of my students who are both verbal with limited language vocabulary and those that need help making choices or finding their words.

Here are the top 4 features of this app I appreciate:

1. Cough Drop AAC has a built-in Speak Mode that offers students with visual impairments with a limited vocabulary to hear the words they are choosing.  

Screenshot of Cough Drop app's dashboard with user profile and tabs: Actions, Boards, Updates.

2. It offers a choice board with larger squares and simple pictures that my students with low vision can easily see AND process the images with auditory feedback from Speech Mode.

Screenshot of Cough Drop app with 4 pictures: I like that, I don't like that, I need help, & Feelings.

3. The app offers a FREE two month trial so a new consumer or professional can easily learn its basic features before committing financially.

Screenshot of Cough Drop app with instructions on the options for icon images.

4. It offers several customizing features so I can create icons that meet the visual needs of my students

5. It offers my students an onscreen picture and word approximation keyboard that can be used with or without SpeakMode:

Screenshot of Cough Drop app's keyboard QWERTY keyboard screen.

You can view or listen to a demo of this app in the video below:

Collage of Cough Drop app

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