Student is researching on her laptop.  She has drawn images of the sheets of nonconsecutive  numbers she will use.

Comparing Number Memorization in Tactile vs. Visual Readers

Science project testing whether students reading print or braille could memorize more non-consecutive numbers.

This science project was done by Carrie, who is a student at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI).

Carrie was interested in testing memory related to print versus braille readers.  This project was one of several ideas that she considered.  She worked very independently on her science project.


My hypothesis was that visual learners would memorize more numbers than tactual learners.



  1. Write a series of nonconsecutive numbers on note cards, (braille and print on separate cards). On the first note card you will write one number, on the second notecard you will write the first number plus another number. On the third note card you will write the first two numbers plus a third number. You will continue this on twenty notecards.
  2. You will need to ask for volunteers for your experiment.
  3. For a braille or print user, pass them the first notecard with the number. Give them five seconds for every five numbers to memorize. Show them the first card for five seconds. Then have them repeat the number that they saw. If they get that number correct, show them the second note card for five seconds.
  4. If they get those numbers correct show them the third card. Do the same for the rest. 
  5. Record your results; the number of numbers each volunteer memorized. The average of numbers memorized by print users and then the average for the Braille users. 
  6. You can make a graph to show the differences.
The image is of the first four cards made for this project.
The first four cards made for this project: 6, 69, 695, 6951


My conclusion is that braille users memorize more numbers with a larger variety than print users, while the print users memorize less numbers with a smaller variety.  My hypothesis was not supported.

NGSS Standards:

By Laura Hospitál

Collage of number memorization with print vs. braille readers

Return to Accessible Science main page.

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