
High School Checklist for College Readiness

It’s time to start planning for college and career. Are you ready?

Expectations for college and career are changing faster than ever – and informed decision-making and early goal-setting are key to creating pathways to the right next steps.

On top of the general expectations, students who are blind and visually impaired also have to consider the “blindness” skills – O&M, mainstream and assistive technology, independent living and more – that, in addition to traditional academic skills, are critical to success after high school.

It’s a lot to think about – and it’s hard to know where to begin.

Our college readiness checklist – available in both English and Spanish – can help. This tool, developed by the experts at College Success @ Perkins, will help you understand what being “college ready” really means – and guide you through taking stock of your current skills to identify strengths and areas for improvement so that when the time comes… you’ll be ready.

To access the checklist (in English and/or Spanish), complete the form on this page.

To check out our other resources and learn more, visit College Success @ Perkins.

Sign up now!


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