
Working with college students who are blind and visually impaired: a Promising Practices Guide for disability resource professionals

If you are working with a student with a visual impairment, maybe for the first time, we’re here to help: download our Promising Practices Guide for university Disability Services Office (DSO) Professionals.

Students enrolling in college or university often are not aware of the great leap in expectations as they leave the relatively supportive environment of high school. Students with visual impairments are no different, yet their experiences learning and operating independently can vary enormously. Disability resource professionals are not aware of the wide range of experiences and challenges facing individuals with visual impairments.

On top of the general expectations, students who are blind and visually impaired also have to consider the “blindness” skills – O&M, mainstream and assistive technology, independent living and more – that, in addition to traditional academic skills, are critical to success after high school. Sometimes, students are not aware of what they do not know.

Perkins School for the Blind’s College Success team has been working to demystify these challenges for more than six years.  And we’ve created this Promising Practices Guide for Disability Resource Professionals. This tool is designed to help as you work through the interactive process, including tools such as “Questions to ask to help guide your interactive process” and a “Physical Access Checklist”.

In addition, the College Success team has created a rich resource in our College Readiness Resource Center, including a range of resources for educators.



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Students: Take the lead with the college’s Disability Services Office


Questions for visually impaired students to ask the disability services office

Vector image of a student taking a math test on a computer.

Math test accommodations for low vision