Code-a-Pillar, a new STEM toy, inspires young students to develop critical thinking skills through a hands-on robotic caterpillar. Using straight, left and right segments, students arrange Code-a-Pillar’s segments and watch the caterpillar move accordingly! Set up an obstacle course and add targets. Can you arrange Code-a-Pillar’s segments to avoid the obstacles and reach the target? Creating these simple routes provides opportunities for students to develop mini-programming concepts! This motivating game encourages 21st century skills such as problem-solving, planning and sequencing, reasoning and an introduction to coding concepts.
Teacher of the Visually Impaired Hint: Place tactile markers to distinguish the arrow on each of Code-a-Pillar’s segments.
More segments are available.
Imagination Soup’s Code-a-Pillar review
Check out the accompanying Code-A-Pillar app, a free iOS coding app! This is app has the same adorable Code-a-Pillar character; however, the app is separate from the physical Code-a-Pillar robot. The app is designed for preschool students to learn very basic coding concepts. Will Code-a-Pillar make it to the end of the maze? Will he eat the right number of leaves and fill his belly?
NOTE: The Code-a-Pillar app is not accessible with VoiceOver.
By Diane Brauner