Cartoon girl holding a cane and wearing an Apple watch.

Blind Apple Engineer Instrumental on Making Coding Accessible for Blind Students

Interested in working for Apple? Read about Apple's blind engineer!

Apple engineer Jordyn Castor shares her personal story about her love of technology and how technology has impacted her life.  Jordyn was a driving force behind accessibility on Apple’s soon-to-be released Swift Playgrounds, an intro-to-coding program geared towards students.  Swift Playgrounds is a guided way for students to learn how to code.  Swift Playgrounds is accessible – no modifications necessary!  Simply turn on VoiceOver and begin coding.

Read the full article about Jordyn and Apple Accessibility, “This Blind Apple Engineer is Transforming the Tech World at only 22”.

By Diane Brauner

Cartoon girl with clasped praying hands showing distress in front of a computer with text

National Homework Hotline for Blind or Visually Impaired Students: Part 2

Math worksheet with three order of operations equations including 4 x 3 - 6.

Digitally accessible math worksheets

Graphic of an accessible math expression and an editable text box.

Accessible Math Editor: Word