Ballyland Code logo and text

Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor

Ballyland Code 2 is another accessible app that teaches beginning coding concepts to young children!

Just released! Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor is the second, fully accessible coding concept game for young children. The first game, Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello begins with an interactive tutorial to help young students learn how to play the game. For more information about Ballyland Code 1 and for concepts taught with these games, see the post, Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello (iOS App) and Ballyland Code 3: Pick Up

Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor builds on the lessons taught in the first app. These coding apps teach the obvious coding logic concepts, along with many other foundational skills including sequencing, listening, spatial skills, grids and mental mapping. These skills are critical for math and for orientation and mobility purposes!

Game Play

Ballyland Code 2 includes a story about how Ballycopter broke his rotor and then three coding challenges. These challenges are slightly harder than the challenges in Ballyland Code 1.

When on the challenge screen, listen to the instructions, as the instructions give critical pieces of information! These challenges use a 3×3 grid; students should have a basic concept of the grid after playing Ballyland Code 1. One-finger swipe right will begin the challenge, allowing the student to drag his finger around the screen to locate the two obstacles and to locate Ballicopter. Encourage your student to develop a mental map and to plot the step-by-step route from Wheelie to Ballicopter. Once the route has been determined, double tap anywhere on the screen to pull up the coding menu screen. A right swipe will read the next coding question. Use a down swipe to hear the options for that line of code. The coding options are: Move Forward, Turn Right, Give Rotor, and blank line. Down swipe until you find the desired command then right swipe to move to the next line of code (next coding question) and repeat until the route is completed. Double tap to run your code. To reset all your lines of code, use a three-finger swipe left.

After you successfully run your code, use a one-finger swipe left to go to the next challenge. If your code is not correct, go back to the coding screen and try again. 

If you have vision, make the game more challenging by turning the Black Curtain On in settings!

Additional Ballyland Games

Sonokids, the developer of the Ballyland apps, creates fun learning apps that develop essential digital skills for young students who are visually impaired or blind. Additional Ballyland Apps:


Ballyland games are designed for iPad beginners. The app is not used with VoiceOver but is fully accessible with the self-voicing mode turned on. If VoiceOver is on when the app is opened, the player is told to turn VoiceOver off before leaving the app’s Home screen. Players who rely on auditory need to turn Self-Voicing ON while on the app’s Home screen in order to access the Main Menu.

Note: After the app’s Home screen, the app does NOT work with VoiceOver.

3D Printed Materials

Interested in 3D printed grid and moveable pieces that support the Ballyland Code apps? 3D Print File are available for you to print yourself or have printed through your school or local 3D printer group. There are file packages for the various Ballyland coding games; for more information, see 3D printing packages here.


Photo of Ballyland 3D printed characters, obstacles and grid - each printed in a solid bright color.


Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor is a great sequel to Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello. Both of these coding games are fun for all students – those with vision, with low vision and with no vision. The Ballyland series of games are designed to introduce young students with visual impairments to tech skills, educational skills, and now coding skills! This game is sure to be another Ballyland hit! 


By Diane Brauner

Ballyland Code logo and text

Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello (iOS app)

Hour of Code logo

Hour of Code

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