My student has been learning to read high frequency words in braille and alphabetic word signs. She’s had the greatest success reading teacher created sentences including alphabetic word signs on braille paper and using her refreshable braille display. During daily lessons, repetition has increased her retention of reading and writing alphabetic word signs. We use a variety of materials such as Building on Patterns, adapted sentences from the Actual Tactuals curriculum, writing silly sentences using the Perkins Brailler and the Pages app on her iPad with a refreshable braille display. To help her practice tactually recognize alphabetic word signs, I created a book about Noelle, her favorite cat. The student locates the alphabetic words signs on her refreshable braille display, as well as when reading a large print copy of the book with braille. In the past 5 months, my student can now read the following alphabetic word signs in isolation and sentences consistently: but, can, do, from, go, just, have, like, more, rather, so, us, very, will, and you. She continues to struggle reading the contractions not and as.
Here is a PDF copy of the digital book I created. The book includes the following alphabetic word signs: very, so, can, rather, have, will, not, go, like, more. In the ePub version of the book, the student helped create alt text for each image.
PDF version of the book, My Cat.
ePub version of the book, My Cat.
By R Saladino