Lesson 12: I can link the iPad to the RFB display independently.
The student will be able to pair the tablet with the RFB independently and check to make sure that they are linked.
In this lesson, we talked about how the RFB display does not like to be alone. It doesn’t even talk unless it has a friend. That is when we talked about what a conversation is. Having been exposed to this concept already, it didn’t take long for me to transition into how the iPad and the RFB need to talk to each other all the time so that the RFB feels brave to open up. First we have to wake up the RFB. We do that by pushing the button in the front center. Since the RFB does not have a tactile button, I have my student take both hands and place them on the right and left corner and move to the middle, from there, push the part that feels smooth. I have him listen to make sure that he hears the braille pop up. Once we ‘wake the RFB up’ then we invite the iPad to join us by turning voice over on. How do we know that they are talking? We have to look. At this point, I have him look on the RFB as the teacher flicks left and right. I ask him what do you notice about the braille? The student should respond by saying it moves. Now we know that that are talking to each other.
By bcskayaker