CellZone tactile cell model
Tips and facts

Adapted Materials for Science Instruction

Learn where to find specialized instructional science materials for students with visual impairments, as well as how to adapt your own.

Some specialized materials for science instruction are available through commercial sources, while others can be adapted or modified by the instructor. The items listed below include hands-on tactile models, as well as teaching resources.

Commercially- Available Products


Other Resources

Return to Accessible Science main page.

Circular graphic with 3 images; document and check mark image, picture, play button, document and graduation cap, and graduation cap. Representing accessible materials for student success.

Creating accessible materials and classroom strategies summary page

Cartoon image of a science girl wearing goggles and lab coat holding beakers.

Five apps I use in the science classroom as a low vision student

Opened books stacked on top of each other

Low vision accommodations for print materials